Chapter Fourteen - Hold on till May

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        If I were you I'd put that away. See, you're just wasted And thinking 'bout the past again. Darling, you'll be okay. And she said, "If you were me, you'd do the same. 'Cause I can't take anymore. I'll draw the shades and close the door. Everything's not alright and I would rather..."

Hold on Till May - Pierce the Veil


The bathwater had a red tint to it. The pristine walls didn't seem to be as white. All of the color in the room seemed to slowly disappear around him. Adam's arms bleed slowly into the water. There was a small knock on the door. His mother voice broke the silence.

"Adam? Darling, your father told me what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier." She waited a moment before putting her ear to the door. "Adam? I know your father said somethings that he didn't mean. Please, let me in." Adam's mother stood perfectly still for a moment just listening for any noise. She knocked again and there was no answer. After what seemed like forever she pushed open the door. She screamed slightly and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Hank!" She ran towards the bathtub. Emily, his mother, picked up his arm some. Blood ran slowly out of his arm. She began to sob some as she watched her baby boy die slowly in front of her eyes. Hank, his father, ran into the room, but he stopped at the door. He watched his wife hold his son. Emily reach forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her shirt becoming wet from the water. Hank pulled the phone from his pocket and dialed 911. He stepped outside of the bathroom and talked to them on the phone.

Emily shook back and forth as she held him in her arms. Adam was basically lifeless in her arms. He had cut horizontally, but there were too many to count. His father stepped back into the room with a worried look on his face. The paramedic arrived almost ten minutes later. They came into the room and pulled Adam from the water. They carried him down the stairs on a stretcher then placed him into the ambulance.

His parents ran after him, leaving the bathroom with a slight red tint on almost everything. It looked like something from a horror movie. The ambulance light shone in the darkness on their way to the hospital. Emily whispered soft things to her son as he laid on the stretcher. They had put in an IV and were checking his vitals.

His father sat towards the back. Hank watched the scene play out in front of him, unaware of what to do. They arrived at the hospital soon enough. The doctors and nurses at the hospital ran out to the ambulance and got him out of it. His mother followed them closely until they closed the white doors and she was stood outside of them staring in. Hank placed a careful hand on her shoulder and she turned to him with a sort of rage in her eyes.

"You did this." She spit words at him as if they were venom as she walked as far away from him as she could. He stood against the far wall while Emily made of the phone calls. She called Polly and she decided that she would be on her way as soon as possible. Emily called his grandparents, uncles, aunts, and as many other close family members she could think of until she got to Alice's number.

"Alice..." Alice sighed in relief that someone had finally returned her calls.

"Mrs. Lawson. I saw that Adam called a few hours ago. I tried to call him back but-"

"Alice, Adam attempted suicide this evening." Alice stopped walking and her friend Kate turned around to look at her. She stayed silent for a moment as a million thoughts raced through her head.

"Is he okay? I-is Adam okay?"

"We aren't sure. I think that he would want you here though." Alice nodded some and put a hand on her head. Kate looked at her with a look of confusion. Kate had decided that she was going to take Alice out for a birthday celebration since he didn't actually have one. They were walking home when Alice had received the call. She sprinted towards her house. She hung up the phone as she ran. Kate ran behind her trying to keep up with her quick pace.

"Alice? What's wrong?" Alice got to her house. She turned towards Kate with a worried look.

"I have to go."

"What's wrong?"

"It's Adam. I can't talk." Alice ran towards her car and jumped into the driver's seat. Kate watched for a moment. Alice waved at her slightly as she backed out of the driveway. She made sure that she was slightly over the speed limit the entire time she went towards the hospital. Thoughts raced through Alice's mind. Maybe she could have prevented this the entire time. If she had answered his call. Alice cussed slightly and began to cry softly. She pulled off to the side of the road and cried into her arm some. After a moment she sat up and started towards the hospital once more.

Alice arrived at eleven that night. When she had got there Adam was in stable condition. They had declared that he was depressed. Alice stood outside of his room looking in. The doctor had said that he was going to be on suicide watch for a day or so, then he would be able to return home and that one person available to stay with him over night that night.

He had an IV in the bend of his left arm. His forearms were bandaged tightly. Alice frowned when she looked at his face because the bruises seemed more prominent on his pale skin. She hated that people abused him like they did. To Alice he was everything she had. She put her hands on her head and sighed some. Life just seemed so complicated.

His mother walked out of the room. Adam was awake, he just told them he wanted to be alone so he could sleep. Emily stepped out of the room and smiled at Alice some. She smiled back gently.

"They said he need to go see someone. Possibly even medication. He's not going to like that. He's never been one for taking pills. Not since he was a little boy. We'd try and try to get him to take them but he never wanted too." She laughed some thinking of a memory. Hank stood on the opposite side of the hallway where Adam couldn't see him from his bed. He coughed some and Alice looked towards him.

"I didn't mean for this. I didn't mean for any of this. I pushed Polly like this." Emily looked towards the floor.

"But Adam isn't Polly." His father nodded and Alice watched as Emily refused to look at him. She turned her attention back towards the room. Adam was laying in his bed looking at Alice. When he noticed she saw him he turned his head to the side quickly. Alice smiled lightly.

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