Chapter Four - Pushing Me Away

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Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown. Eventually break down. The sacrifice of hiding in a lie. Everything has to end, you'll soon find we're out of time, to watch it all unwind. The sacrifice is never knowing.

Pushing Me Away- Linkin Park


            Adam had seemed to avoid Alice all day. That one thing seemed to bother her more than it should have. She rushed through the door of her house and up the stairs. Her mother wouldn't be home until six that evening. Alice didn't mind that her mother worked so much, it just gave her more time to think. She shoved the door of her bedroom open forcefully causing a picture of her and her father to fall to the ground.

            She stared at it for a good moment before kicking it underneath her bed to be dealt with at another time. Her bed seemed more inviting than it had earlier that morning, if that was at all possible. As fast as she could she changed into her superhero pajamas she climbed into bed. Alice grabbed her MacBook off the nightstand. She flipped open the screen and clicked on the power button. Alice had never been one of the people to spend all of her time on her phone, she more enjoyed to have a nice song on while she viewed the scenery, but tonight wasn't one of those nights.

            Her love for the stars and the planet wasn't going to stop her from binge watching Bob's Burgers for the next four hours. She clicked on the first episode for the 7th time and laid back against her pillows as Netflix did the work. Thoughts raced through her head about Adam, and what he had said to her before he left the theater room earlier that morning. She tried to sit with him at lunch, but when she went to their regular table and he wasn't even in the cafeteria.

            That meant that she was half forced to sit with Blake and her boyfriend, James. Then she had also wanted to find out as much information about Adam that she could without asking him. She had found out when Blake left the table that sometimes James didn't even like the way she treated Adam. Which, to Alice, made James's popularity get a little bit higher. After 30 minutes of halfheartedly watching her show, she sighed. She grabbed up her phone from her nightstand and typed his name quickly into the search bar.

            The picture was one she had taken the day before. He had a huge smile on his face and was standing in front of the school building flipping off the sign with the school name. Alice smiled at the recent memory. She clicked the message button and typed up a quick message.

To: Adam: Adam, why aren't you talking to me? - 4:30

To: Alice: Idwt - 4:31

To: Adam: I don't even know what that means.- 4:31

To: Alice: I dn't wnt 2. - 4:33

Alice rolls her eyes slightly at his spelling but replies anyways.

To: Adam: Why not? I didn't do anything to you. - 4:34

To: Alice: No. - 4:37

To: Adam: No, what? -4:37

            Alice held her phone in her hand as she patiently waited for his reply, which never came. At around midnight she decided to try again with her messaging.

To: Adam: Alright, you prick. I didn't want to do this but I'm going to come out and say it. I want to be your friend. I'm going to whether you want to or not. So just grow up and talk to me, God. - 12:03

            Alice stared at the screen intently for a moment waiting for it to come back with a reply but nothing happened. She threw her phone across the room. Surprisingly, it landed in her beanbag chair on the other side of the room, unharmed. She threw herself back in the bed, flattening all of her pillows underneath her body weight. She had a galaxy painted on her ceiling that she had done herself when they had moved in.

            She stared up at it, pointing out the tiny flaws that were in her masterpiece. I suppose no artist loved their work completely, they always find something wrong with it. Slowly, she fell asleep as she thought of Adam once more. She couldn't figure out why the thought bothered her so much, but that would be just another problem for another day.

            The morning sun was not even over the horizon when Alice reluctantly moved from the bed. She hated school days, but she didn't hate any day as much as she did Thursdays. College kids love it because of thirsty Thursday. While high school kids loved Thursday because it was closer to Friday, but not Alice. It was a Thursday when her father left. It was a Thursday when her grandmother died. It was a Thursday when her favorite cat, fluffy, ran away. Thursday was just NOT a good day for her.

            But this morning was slightly different then all of the other terrible Thursdays. She had something to do. Quickly she pulled on a skirt with Bambi on it, a black shirt, and a beanie that said "SAVE ROCK AND ROLL" then she ran out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Her mother watched her running around the hallway looking for shoes from the kitchen.

            "Where you going?"

            "Out." Alice looks around the floor for her other black converse and finally finds it shoved underneath the couch.

            "Alice, I'm serious. Where are you going? It's not time for you to go to school yet!" Alice sighed and stood up.

            "I'm going to make friends."

            Her mother stopped talking at the mention of new friends. Her mother knew of the struggles Alice had with talking to new people. But with Adam it was like she was even having to make a new friend, he was like an old acquaintance.

            "Who is it?" Her mom stepped a little closer to her trying to get Alice to fully look at her.

            "It's Adam."

            "What's his last name?" Alice shook her head some.

            "I can't remember."

            "Alice!" Her mother walks around in front of her and shakes her head some. Alice pulls on her last shoe and stands up quickly. Readjusting her hat, she smiles to her mother.

            "I have to go." She throws open the door before her mother can say anything. Her skateboard sat on the edge of the porch and she picked it up quickly. She took a running start and jumped onto it. She sped quickly down the street towards Adams house. After almost hitting two mail boxes and a car, she came to a stop in front of an old looking brick house. The sun was just raising over the horizon and Alice ran towards the front door. Before she could even knock the door was yanked open by Adam. He put a finger over his lips and walked out of the house.

            "Come on." Adam motioned down the sidewalk. He started walking down the driveway and Alice followed behind him. After they got back out onto the street and were a safe distance away from his house, Adam let out a breath.

            "It wasn't a good night last night." He kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke, and Alice watched him cautiously.

            "What happened?" Adam shook his head. Then he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

           "It's nothing. Why were you coming by my house so early?" Adam looked at her expectantly.

            "I was wondering if you would like to go on a cereal date? And if you're going to ask why I was coming by so early I get to ask you why you were leaving so early?" Adam gave her a sideways glance.

            "I always leave this early to get away from family. And is this a date date or like a friends date?" Adam gives her a sly smile.

            "Friends date." Adam shook his head then nodded and gave her a sleepy smile. 

            "Why not?"

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