Chapter One - The Great Hendowski

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I know it's tough but please don't give up. Don't speak that way, 'cause I won't allow you. You're too young to live this way.

The Great Hendowski - Of Mice & Men


            Alice huffed some as she stared into the bottomless pit of a closet. A random Buddy Holly song played softly in the background. She tossed a random purple shirt behind her, and it landed on top of her phone, making the music become muffled. A loud knock on the door made her sigh once more. She gave a sideways glance towards it as her mother knocked again.

            "Alice, seriously. We have to go in twenty minutes." Her mother pushed open the door, then stepped into her room. She shot her a glare, then glanced around the horribly dirty room. Her hair was pulled into a perfect bun on the top of her head. She had on a black dress jacket with a matching black skirt. Alice's mom had just started the second week of her new job. She turned quickly and left Alice alone in her room.

            With a loud sigh, Alice reached over and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans from the mess, then the nearest black tee-shirt she saw. The shirt was decorated with a white My Chemical Romance logo across the front. Upon seeing this, a giant smile came onto Alice's face. She changed out of her comfortable Batman pajamas and into her school outfit. Alice put on several bracelets that were decorated with random band logos and a black choker as always.

            "Alice! Come on!" Alice heaved another sigh and pulled on her baby blue VANS. She ran down the stairs making sure to stomp on each and every step just to show her dismay. Her mother sighed audibly from the kitchen, which made Alice's smile a little bit bigger. She walked into the overcrowded kitchen that was filled with boxes they had yet to unpacked from their move. Alice grabbed a cereal bowl out of one of the open boxes and moved to the cabinet. Her mom turned around for a moment and scowled at her outfit. She took a sip of her coffee then sat the cup down on the table.

            "Black? Seriously? You're supposed to be making a good impression." Alice frowned deeply and started to pour herself some Lucky Charms. Alice's mother moved across the kitchen and started messing with Alice's hair. She braided it some before Alice swatted her hand away.

            "I'm mourning!" Her mother sighed some and walked back to her mug. Alice sat the cereal bowl down on the table and turned around to face her mother who shot her a dirty look.

            "I know your dad's gone, but that doesn't mean you have to be so dramatic." To ease the tension her mother turned her attention to the magazine lying on the counter top.

            "He's dead to me." Alice turned around sharply and her mother only sighed, shaking her head. Alice picked up the cereal and started to eat it while walking out of the room. The sound of 'Of Mice and Men' clued her in that she had left her music playing. Alice sprinted up the stairs to her room. She muttered a few curse words and turned it off quickly. Alice sat down on the edge of the bed and ate, slowly. After a few moments her mother yelled again, but this time Alice didn't hear what she said; although, she didn't necessarily care. She hesitantly stood up and walked down the stairs. Alice went into the kitchen and put her bowl and spoon in the sink. Her mother stood at the door ready to leave. Her bag was already on her hip.

            Alice picked up her backpack in a swift motion and slung it on her back. They walked to the car in silence. Alice really didn't feel like hearing any motivational crap that parents usually said to their kids. But to Alice's surprise, they didn't say anything the whole five minute drive to the school. Once the car stopped in the drop of area, her mother turned and gave a small smile.

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