Chapter 6

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Yes, a short chapter, but I've been really sick for the past few days and it was post this or post nothing. And a short chapter is better than nothing, right?

Chapter 6

My jaw was set tight while I worked to suppress my tears of disappointment. Why did I let my hopes get the best of me?

I should know better by now.

School was an impossibility. I had no clothes, no shoes, no backpack, no nothing.

What was the point again? The point of anything?

I swallowed hard for about the fifth time in a row as I stared unseeingly out the window at the students of Forks High, blithely changing classes, seeming to be without a care in the world.

I mean, I'm sure they had some cares. But would they be anything like mine? Even if I could come to this school, would I make a single friend?

One friend, I prayed silently. That's all I asked if I could ever attend this school. Please, God. Just one.

Is that too much to ask?

Somehow it always was too much. God didn't seem to listen to me anymore.

As I sighed, swallowing my sadness again, a cool hand on my shoulder startled me, and I jumped slightly. Turning away from the window, I saw Mrs. Jane at my side.

"Ready to go, Bella?" she asked, her sharp eyes widening as she noted my tight expression. This woman missed nothing.

She was kinda scary that way.

I nodded, following her to the door.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Bella. Come here first thing in the morning, and I'll have your schedule for you, sweetie," called Mrs. Cope behind us.

I tried to smile at her, but I could tell from her uncertain expression that my attempt at cheerfulness was an epic fail.

Silently I followed Mrs. Jane through the now-empty halls; apparently all the students were in class at this time.

Mrs. Jane unlocked the passenger door of her van, and awkwardly I clambered in. No sooner had we buckled our seat belts when those cool eyes were on me.

"Tell me what's wrong, Bella."

I shook my head, looking straight ahead to avoid her too-perceptive gaze which continued to burn against the side of my face. Did she ever blink?

She hadn't started the vehicle yet, and I had a feeling that she would refuse to do so until I spilled.

So I yielded to the inevitable.

"I don't have a backpack. Or anything to wear," I mumbled.

"Is that all?" Mrs. Jane's voice was practically cheerful. "We have a small fund, given via private donations, to get you a few things, enough to hold you over, anyway."

I turned to her, trying to stifle the hope rising in my chest yet again. And failing. "Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Really," she confirmed, smiling at my astonishment. Glancing at her watch, she frowned. "Hmm, I don't have time to take you into Port Angeles today before I have to pick up my kids from school. But we can make a quick stop at the thrift store here in Forks, and I'll pick you up a backpack in Port Angeles on my way to take you to school tomorrow. Do you have a color preference?"

I looked at her, jaw agape. "What?" I managed to gasp.

Starting the minivan, Mrs. Jane drove through the parking lot and back onto the main highway. "What color backpack, Bella?"

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