Chapter 8

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Please don't kill me. But the Cullens don't appear yet—the Blacks have some last-minute business before Bella leaves for school, and I thought it was important to write this scene. So, perhaps I'll update earlier than usual  next week to make up for it? <ducking to avoid the tomatoes being thrown at me for the lack of Cullens>

Chapter 8

I woke to a normal gray, cloudy morning in Washington...or at least the mornings I remembered from years ago. I lay in bed for a moment, basking in the muted light shining through my now open window, the lace curtains hanging on either side. Even though Jacob had nailed the window shut years ago, just having natural light in my room was a revelation. I felt my face stretching into the unusual form of a smile, and my heart felt as light as my room.

I haven't been this happy in years.

I sat up in bed, hugging myself. I had actually slept on clean sheets, with a comforter on top of my usual worn blanket, and with a pillow and pillow slip!! What riches!!!

I felt like I had won the lottery at least, or perhaps I'd gone to heaven. Or was I dreaming? I pinched my forearm hard, flinching from the self-inflicted pain joyfully.

Nope—not dreaming.

This was reality. My reality.

And today I was going to school at Forks High. I hugged myself again, grinning from ear to ear, still unable to fully grasp my good fortune.

Hopping out of bed, I turned and pulled up the sheets and comforter neatly, fluffing my pillow. I stepped back, satisfied at my neatly-made bed. My room smelled sweetly clean even though the slight ammonia scent of Windex remained. But I could easily handle the smell of cleaners over the filth I had been living in.

I practically danced to my closet, pulling out one of my new-to-me pairs of skinny jeans, my new-to-me concert t-shirt, and the coveted purple hoody. Mrs. Jane had yet to arrive with my new bra and panties, but that was okay—I just hoped I'd have time to change into them before she took me to school.

With clothes in hand, I knocked on the inside of my bedroom door, afraid to go outside my room without permission. I didn't want to make Jacob or Billy angry with me this morning, so I knew better than to consider waltzing out of my room without their express approval. I hoped they would let me shower this morning, or if not, I thought I could at least wash my hair in the bathroom sink and manage a decent sponge bath.

I heard footsteps approaching my closed bedroom door; it was Jacob.

“What do you want?” he growled.

“May I use the bathroom and shower before school?” I asked meekly.

“Just a minute.” I heard Jacob stride down the hallway toward Billy's room. Then the low rumble of male voices, too low for me to distinguish their words, hummed for a few minutes as they apparently decided upon my cleaning rituals. I sighed impatiently, tapping my foot.

I stilled my tapping as Jacob's footsteps returned, and he opened my door, glaring at me as he confirmed, “Five minute shower. That's it.”

Nodding gratefully, I scurried to the bathroom and showered quickly before I drew on the new-to-me clothes from the thrift shop. I didn't have a blow dryer, so I towel-dried my hair as best I could and brushed the tangles out, hoping it would dry enough before school started.

As I exited the bathroom to return to my room, I heard an insistent knocking on the front door and paused in the hallway. Cursing in irritation, Jacob pushed by me to answer the door, his huge shoulder shoving me hard against the hallway wall; tears sprang to my eyes as my shoulder and upper arm scraped painfully against the rough wall. He didn't bother looking back to see if I was hurt as he proceeded to the front door, flipped the deadbolt, and grimly opened it.

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