Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Standard Disclaimer: Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I'm just hijacking her world temporarily.

From Chapter 24:

Carlisle took my hand in both of his cold ones. “We are all looking forward to having you stay with us,” he assured me warmly.

But I shook my head, remembering the dark eyes glaring at me with malevolence from that too-perfect face. “Not Edward,” I whispered. “He hates me.”


Carlisle shifted his weight from one foot to the other, slightly uncomfortable. “ going through a difficult time right now. Truly, it has very little to do with you, Isabella.” He sighed,then looked away for a moment. “He'll come around; he always does.” Carlisle turned back to me, forcing a smile and abruptly changing the subject. “Esme, my wife, is already preparing a first-floor guest room for you. She is coming to meet you later today, if that is all right with you.”

I nodded, still confused. So what was Edward's problem if it wasn't me? From what Carlisle said and implied, Edward was rather moody. To say the least. I remembered his dark eyes, deep in their darkness....

“Knock, knock,” called a familiar, cheerful voice from the doorway, pulling me out of my thoughts and memories.

Despite still feeling weak and groggy, I managed a smile as Mrs. Jane approached my bed.

“Hey, sweetie,” she greeted me with a wide smile as she drew up to the opposite side of the bed across from Carlisle. “How are you feeling?”

I shrugged, then winced a little at the pain shooting up my side.

Carlisle patted my hand soothingly, helping to distract me from the discomfort. “After we chat just a little longer, I'll give you something that will help with the pain and allow you to sleep.”

“I haven't slept enough lately?” I whispered, watching Carlisle and Mrs. Jane exchanging relieved smiles. I guess my snarkiness assured them that I still retained most of my brain function.

“Did you tell her?” Mrs. Jane asked Carlisle in a low voice; he nodded. Then she asked, “Could you give us a moment please, Dr. Cullen?”

Carlisle squeezed my hand lightly. “I need to go check on a few patients. I'll be back soon, Isabella.”

“Thanks,” I whispered.

He gave me another gentle smile as he left, closing the door behind him.

Turning to me, Mrs. Jane asked, “So, what do you think, Bella? Are you all right with staying with the Cullens while you recuperate? Dr. Cullen will be there to care for you when he isn't working, and you'll have the other young people there to keep you entertained. And Mrs. Cullen will be there with you full-time. The Cullens have always kept to themselves, but they are ready to welcome you with open arms, and I'm willing to sign off on it as far as Child Protective Services is concerned. What do you think?”

I didn't want to shrug again; it hurt too much. But I had so many questions over what had happened. We had to start at the beginning.

“That night? The Blacks?” I asked quietly, my eyes filling with tears without my permission. I was so weak that I had no control over my emotions. I felt raw, naked. And I hated it.

Passing me a tissue, Mrs. Jane practically growled as she answered, “Jacob Black in on the run. There's a warrant out for his arrest for assault. But his friends seem to be hiding him on the reservation, and there are some legal issues concerning sovereign nations, etc., that are delaying the authorities getting to him. The issue of his living on a reservation is definitely in his favor legally; there's a lot of red tape to deal with. But they're working on apprehending him as soon as possible.”

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