Chapter 22

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Here's the next chapter; I even got it up just before midnight on Saturday.... ;)

Chapter 22

From the end of Chapter 21:

Nooooooo! Jacob...STOP!” yelled Sam, finally reaching Jacob and pulling him away.

I lay face down on the rocks, unable to move or cry because of the pain; it just froze me there. Blood seemed to be trickling everywhere; the pain was intense, accompanied by waves of dizziness.

I groaned, willing to allow the blackness take me away on swift wings.


The blackness faded in and out. I preferred the blackness; the pain wasn't as intense when I melted into the blackness.

Why couldn't I just stay there in the blackness?

I wanted to. So badly.

But voices came to me, some loud and frantic, some soft...loud then soft...loud then soft...yelling then whispering...yelling then if a radio volume were being turned up and down constantly.

And the pain. Oh god, the pain.

I was all pain. Nothing but pain.

It was so hard to think through the all-consuming pain. I didn't want to think. I couldn't think.

I couldn't figure out everything that was happening...or anything that had already happened.

The rocks beneath me were sharp and cold.

But I couldn't move. I tried.


“Help....” I tried to yell for help.


Damn. Damn. Damn....

My yell was the merest whisper in my own ears.

Could anyone hear me?

I felt a rush of gratitude as I felt myself being lifted up into someone's very warm arms.

Hot arms held me against a hot body.

I needed the warmth. I was so cold.

So cold.

I was trembling, but I couldn't stop.

I wanted the shaking to stop. It hurt too much.

“We need to get her to the clinic!” Sam shouted. His voice rumbled through his chest; I heard it echo weirdly as my ear pressed against his pounding heart. I guess he was the one holding me.

“Leave her alone!” Jacob's voice, shouting and slurred, began to fade a little. “She's mine!”

His voice continued to fade, to disappear into welcome darkness.

But the mere sound of his voice evoked fear in my chest...fear that dispelled the darkness.

But I wasn't Jacob's.

I couldn't be Jacob's.

Not now.

Not after this.

“,” I whispered through sticky lips.

I could taste blood on my lips.

Nausea wracked me.

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