Not So Happily Ever After

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Malia walked out from behind the bookshelves. She looked shaken, scared and a little vulnerable.

'Are you going to kill me?' She whispered. She knew that she was out numbered and that there was no way of her escaping.

'What?!' Void whispered to himself, trying to put the pieces of the puzzles together.

'Malia calm down.' Scott said calmly as he slowly approached her. 'This is not easy for me either.'

Malia hissed and tried to throw a punch at Scott. He then grab that arm and used it to flip her over onto the floors. He pinned her down and looked at her in the eyes then broke down to tears.

'Scott it's gonna be o-'

Cathy was interrupted by Kira. Her legs was gushing blood and her face was blue as she burst through the library doors.

'The dread doctors are here.' Kira managed to say seconds before collapsing to the ground unconscious.

'Kill her!' Cathy yelled.

'I forgot about those sons of a...'

Void Stiles started to scream and fight his way out of Liam's grip.
'What?! LET HER GO!' He interrupted.

'They are going to kill Stiles.' Lydia cried as she hugged Cathy, closing her eyes.

The Dread Doctors burst in.
'His condition has worsened.' They echoed.

Scott immediately grabbed Malia neck in an attempt to strangle her

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Scott immediately grabbed Malia neck in an attempt to strangle her. Malia struggled and to escape but Scott was to strong.

'Sorry.' Scott whispered as he drowned in his own tears.

Malia started to slow down.

Her gasped for hair quietened.

She stopped moving.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Finally, her face went blue.

.....Malia Hale was dead.

'NOOOO!' Void boomed. He escaped from Liam's grip and ran to Malia.

He cradled her in her arms and he screamed and cried in agony. Void then closed Malia's eyes as his hand shook vigorously.

'Stiles?' Lydia whispered.

'GET AWAY FROM ME!' He roared.

Void then quickly stood up and ran to a trash can next to Cathy and threw up. His blood slowly turned from dark grey to red. The Dread Doctors saw this and knew Stiles was no longer Void, so disappeared.

'It's all my fault. It was my idea.' Lydia cried as she kneeled down next to Malia's lifeless corpse.

'I thought Void Stiles was a monster when actually my friends were,' Stiles spat, 'you all knew I loved her. I didn't even get to say good bye.'

Liam walked up to Stiles until he was inches away from his face.

'We have all done something we are not proud of but we did this FOR YOU STILES! If we didn't Void Stiles would have killed thousands and so would Malia because she was a wendigo. Killing Malia saved many. It wasn't easy for us so be thankful you're alive and be there for your friend, Scott.' Liam viciously snapped.

Stiles looked at Scott siting on the floor crying while his eyes turned from red to yellow. What he did was unforgettable, and Stiles knew his guilt will haunt him forever.

'Thank you.' He whispered.

In the end, Stiles was Stiles once again. However, after all he's been through, Stiles will never be the same innocent, childish, pure, always happy Stiles ever again.

'We made it to hell and back, but I can't stop feeling that...'

'Hell has just began?' Stiles whispered finishing Lydia's sentence.


This is the end to Void Stiles Book3 To Hell and Back. :(😭😭

R.I.P Malia Hale 😭💔

What would you have done if you was Scott? Would you have killed Malia and how?
If not, what would you have done?




Thanks for reading❤️

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