Chapter Sixty-One

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Austin's POV

I looked over at Zia who was asleep in the passenger seat.

I'm glad she's okay and well I don't know what I'd do without her.

She's just so important to me I can't loose her or I'll loose myself.

I sighed and drove into our driveway.

Home sweet home.

I got out the car shutting my door and walked to Zia's side.

I picked her up once I got the buckle off her and used my foot to close the door.

I walked up to the porch kicking the door.

I waited until Alex opened the door.

"What the- oh come on in then." Alex chuckled.

I shook my head and walked into the house straight to the living room.

I put Zia down into the couch and took the thin blanket on the back of the couch to cover her up.

I kissed her cheek then walked into the kitchen.

"I thought the police was banging on the door I was wondering what crime we committed." Alex laughed.

"It was just me." I said laughing also.

"Don't do that again."

"Don't tell me what to do."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed a monster from the fridge.

"Where's Rob?"

"Next door want to go over later?"

"Yeah sure." I shrugged.


Just an update they all won't be interesting and awesome :/

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