Chapter two: Moving in.

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McLienster high was it? 

What type of school was it?

Why was I attending this school? 

I wonder myself. 

The situation I was currently in was that I was inside my dorm room. They provided a free study desk, bed, shelves and a closet for my clothes. It was a nice school and all but it wasn't for me and this was a very new experience....

A few minutes ago, I was getting ready for school, walking around and all until it hit me. Literally. It was some boy who threw it he was a freshman, apologized and everything but that wasn't it. While he threw the book it got me an opportunity to see what was happening and who the people were. What type of people more like. Only thing in my view was boys.




No girls, just boys. I was confused at that time, no clue for why there were only boys and no girls. 

"Are you alright?" The same boy asked. It was the freshman, he looked like he was about to go on the verge of tears. Dude, please don't cry. 

"Why do you ask? I thought I told you, I'm fine."

"B-but, you've been staring at the sky for a really long time." I was still in the same spot as before. When something had hit me, I thought. The sky was still blue, sun was still waking up and the trees were not a different color. "I'm Ian, please don't tell on me." He begs with a shaky voice. 

"Ian?" I repeated.

"Yeah, I'm a Junior." When he said that I choked on my own saliva. 

"J-Junior?" I asked, I was the same year as this guy. We could have classes together! "Also, this is a joke question but..." I looked at Ian hoping he'd be able to answer questions I want him to answer. "Where the girls? Or are there girls?" 

"Girls?" Ian started to laugh. "There are no girls. This is an all boys school." Just him saying made me run back to my room...

That was where it all begun. 

Present time.

"Crystal you tricked me!" I shouted through the phone. 

"Ha! You just fell for it, it's a voice message. Leave your message." The voice message said. Fuck! my life in the fucking a- no, wrong turn. 

"Damn it!" I shouted nearly about to throw my phone away but then I called Kingston. 

"Hello, Quinn residence." Kingston softly said in his polite voice.

"Yes! Kingston! Where is Crystal?" I asked.

"She's on the couch watching anime while eating a packet of chips."

"Lucky! Those my chips as well! Anyways, pass the phone to Crystal!" 

On the other line I could hear Kingston passing the phone to Crystal and then the crunching of chips meaning Crystal had the phone. "Herro?" 

"Yes, could you maybe explain to me why I'm at an all boys school?" I asked. I could hear Crystal laughing. I could feel my veins about to pop out of my body. I was pissed to the point where I could start crying, don't find that weird people do that to.

"Look, I put you there in order for you to realize.... What was that Kingston?" 

"Hey! Don't cut me off here!" I snap.

"Oh, Kingston take over from here." Crystal voice's could no longer be heard.

"Hey! Wait! Wait!" I was so close to actually smashing my phone. Crystal was usually like this where she would be on and off, angry but then kid like angry then kid like. I grabbed the closest thing to me and it was my spray bottle and I started twisting it so I could get some of my anger out and then I heard Kingston speaking which kind of calmed me. 

"Mrs Phoenix. No need to twist the bottle of spray." He sighed.

"How did you know? Is there a camera in the room and you can se-"

"Mrs Phoenix. It's fine, calm down. I'll just tell you what Crystal has arranged for you." 

"Alright." I rested my back onto the side of the bed. Sometimes I like to think of my step mum as evil, she usually has things planned fro me and I hate it. I know she's been there for me most of my life but still I knew she wasn't my real mum we didn't even look alike. 

"Okay, so Crystal wants you to be more lady like so she has sent you to this school to see if you'd either decided to stop being a tom-boy or stop being lady like." 

"Is that it?" I asked. It wasn't as much as I thought it was. 

"No, if you decide to stop being lady like then you have to stay in that school for about six mon-"

"Half a year?!" I shouted. 

"Yes, if you can survive half a year than she will allow you to come back home and do whatever you'd like but if you can't then she will pull you out of the school and you will be forced to have an arranged marriage and attend a school of her liking." I nearly fainted when he said arranged marriage. Who wants to get married to some person you don't fucking know!? "Did I forget to mention that you will also be pretending to be a boy and if you get caught as being a girl then you'll have no choice but to come back home. Who knows what will happen?" 

"Kingston, better not be laughing." I said in monotone voice. This was not a funny situation.

It was quiet until I heard Kingston clearing his throat. "Do not worry, ms Phoenix." 


"Okay, any questions?" 

"All I need to do is not get caught as a girl and last for half a year and then I can come back home?" I asked. 

"Yes. Good luck." 

"Thanks. I will make half a year, just watch me." I smiled proudly. 

"Alright, have a good day miss."

"You too." Like that the phone cut off and I was standing up.I then looked at the time and realized it was half past eight. "FUCK I'M LATE!!!" I screamed before running out of the dorm. 


Authors note.

Hello. I changed the story completely, still follows the same story line but the chapters are different from the original chapters I had before and I can now get onto the humorous parts and no more of that serious parts. I can't wait to get started.


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