Chapter Sixty Six: King?

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After I had lunch with myself, since Ian had run off. I headed back to school to see my new room.

I wiggle the door handle and slowly enter the room. Inside I see a bunch of bunks with one desk in the middle of the room or close to the middle. A computer and a small cactus sit on the desk.

I place my bag on the ground, and see a printer next to it. "Whoa, is this an office or a bedroom?" I question, picking up a print out.

"Ah! No!" Someone shrieks. I cover my ears, letting the paper drop. "Don't touch. No touch!" Leo runs over, picking the paper up.

"This your room?" Leo looks up and nods.

"It's our room...If you're my roommate." Leo smiles.

"Nobody else?"

"Nobody wants to be room mates with a hacker." Leo explains. "One wrong move, they'll turn your life upside down. One time, someone had pranked their hacker roommate and swapped their bubblegum to toothpaste and it was hilarious. The hacker then hacked their phone and 'pranked' his friends and family with a bad message."

I stay silent.

"Don't worry, it was two years ago." Leo reassures.

I curl my lips. "Can I choose any bed?"

"Yeah. It's best to choose that bed, though." Leo points at the bunk beside me.

"Well, guess we're roommates."

"Yes. Yes we are." Leo smiles, sitting on the computer. "I'll be playing games on my computer if you need me." Leo places a headset on his head and concentrates on the computer.


I look at the time and see its nearly ten. "Leo, do we have a bathroom?" Leo glances at me as the computer screen begins to flash.

"No." Leo chuckles. "If you need to shower, just go."

"Did you forget?"

"Forget wha-oh." Leo stops. "I don't think there should be anyone showering at this time."

"I hope so too." I reply, grabbing my towel and shower supplies.

"You can shower tomorrow." Leo says. "Problem solved."

"I'm not going too." I decline.


I finish my shower and dry my hair. The shower is empty with the mirrors fogged up. I wipe the mirror with my towel and dry deep into the scalp. As I look up, I notice a figure in the back and flinch.

"Whoops, did I scare you?" I see Ian standing behind me.

"What are you doing?"

"I came to get my friends conditioner." Ian explains. "Thanks for the food, today." He smiles, giggling. I shake my head while rolling my eyes.

"Thanks for leaving me."

"No problem." Ian claps. "Have you seen my phone too?"

"No." I reply.

"Oh, well, I left it somewhere in the dorms. If you find it, can you return it?"

"Sure." I nod. Ian leaves and I bring out my toothbrush. I swing the towel around my shoulders and squirt the toothpaste onto my toothbrush. As I brush my teeth, I spot Ian's phone beside me.

"He can't find it?" I mumble. "It was right here." I pick it up and place it in my bag along with my phone.

"Yeah, there's no way that someone can become smarter in two months time." I hear someone behind me. I see Troy and Matthew coming into the showers. Matthew looks up and waves.

"Hey!" Matthew giggles.

"Hey, brushing your teeth, aye?" Troy smiles, wiggling his eyebrows. Matthew has the towel around his shoulders and leans against the sinks. Troy sighs and looks at Matthew.

"It doesn't add up." Troy sniffles.

"What doesn't?" I spit.

"How does a kid who didn't even know the seven or zero timetable go to memorising the formula for Pi and knowing the periodic table?" Troy asks.

"They learnt it, obviously." I argue.

"You don't understand." Troy says. "The kid is extremely dumb."

"They got help."

"See?!" Matthew crosses his arms. I look at Matthew with confusion. "Troy thinks someone is taking identity theft."

"Someone is not who they say they are?"

"Yes!" Troy says, glaring at Matthew.

"You suspect everyone! You stupid prefect!" Matthew growls, leaving into the shower area.

Troy groans. "You believe me?"

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"Never mind." Troy sighs. He follows behind Matthew and I leave after them.


I stop at Ian's new room and knock on it.

No answer.

Just as I'm about to leave, I hear my phone ringing and pull it out. Instantly sliding left thinking it's Crystal, rejecting her call. Instead, I find it's Ian's phone.

He has a Samsung and the calling was opposite. I accepted his call. Shit, what do I do?

I then hear a familiar voice and put it to my ear. "William?" The voice speaks.

Is this...?

"Ryan?" I answer.

"Phoenix?" He replies. The phone hangs up and I look at the number, its under the name 'king'.

"Phoenix? What're you doing?" I see Ian approaching me before keeping a distance between us.

"Sorry, I accidentally took your call." I apologise, handing him his phone.

"Was it my mum?" Ian giggles.

"No. It was Ryan, I think?"

"Oh." Ian laughs. "Why was he calling my phone?"

"I don't know, he was saved in your phone."

"Was he?" Ian smiles. "I have no idea, it's my old phone back in year ten or eleven. My new phone is a Samsung S8, but the screen broke so it's repairing." Ian explains, curling his hand together. He glances at his screen before smiling at me. "Thanks."

"No worries." I reply. Ian stops in front of me and fixes my hair.

"It bothers me." He smiles, before clenching his hand. "Whoops. Guess it came out?" He laughs, opening his door and closing it with his eyes closed.

I stare at the door..."That was weird." I say.

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