chapter thirteen: Sun of a Son

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I headed down to the kitchen and searched for something cold to eat. I held the paper fan in my left hand as it was thirty degrees, I rummaged through only to find yogurt. I'm not going to say I'm not fan but if I said that, I'd be lying. I pulled out a spoon and begun to eat. 

It was cool, the only good thing but the bad thing was this was Crystal's and she likes to eat Greek yogurt and it's really sour. I coughed a few times trying to eat it. "Phoenix, is there a problem?" Kingston asked, entering the room with Lilian following behind. 

"Nope, just really sour." I cried, puckering my lips. 

"I heard fruit could make it better or even honey and peanut butter." 

"Thanks but I need something cool and how are you still wearing that?" I asked, pointing out Kingston wearing his suit. He looked down and shrugged, smiling gently. Lilian just stood there, puzzled. I smiled at her and she jumped for the counter. Hands up in the air. 

"By the way, I forgot to mention but there are people at the door for you." Kingston opened the fridge and handed Lilian an ice block. I got up, leaving left overs. I heard talking from the other side but it sounded like complaining. I opened the door to see the guys wearing shorts and a shirt with some beach items. 

"Hey, Phoenny boy!" Kelvin greeted, swiping his hair to right side of his face. It was sweaty but he pretended like he wasn't sweating. I felt like Leo was going to die on me so I invited them inside they accepted no hes- well actually it took them a while to actually answer since I think they've been outside for five minutes but them it felt like an eternity to them. 

The guys sat down in the entrance room and I came back with some iced water. Leo gulped it down faster than the rest. "I'm sooo used to that." Leo admitted, leaning on the couch. 

"How come you guys are at my house also how do you know where I live?" I stood up, my hands by sides.

"I remembered where you live." Daniel said, looking up from his water. He put the glass down and Kingston took the water and came back only for them to be full and he came back with some snacks. The guys reached to have some. 

"That long ago?" I stared, he nodded.He came to my house last week which was on a Wednesday and now it's another Wednesday and he can remember that long? Ryan looked up from his sheet showing me a flyer. I looked at it confused. "What am I seeing?"

"The beach!" Kelvin smirked. 

"What about it?" The guys looked around confused not before Troy cutting the stares. 

"Who was supposed to tell him?" Troy looked at Kelvin. 

"Leo." Kelvin looked at Leo who looked at Kevin. 

"Ke-" Kevin pointed at Ryan. 

"We're going to the beach. You're coming with us." Ryan smiled. When he said that, Lilian came from the stairs. The guys put on a playful face as soon as they saw her. 

"Phoenix, you promised me you'd be with me for the day!" She cried, her lips wobbled and I hit my head completely forgetting the plans I had made with my sister. I bent down so I was facing her, my eyes met hers.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "Mayb-" 

"She can come with us." Troy picked up his clipboard. I feel like he carries that around everywhere, including the bathroom. "I made a schedule, but we can rearrange it. Ryan can sit up....." Troy trailed off. Maybe he has a schedule of when he goes to the bathroom? 

"Okay, Phoenix. Get your stuff and we'll go!" Leo smiled, drinking some more of the water. "This is good water, what did you point in it?"

"It's normal water." I stopped half way up the stairs looking at Leo he nodded while the other guys just stared at him like it was the most dumbest question. 

"What do you think is inside?" Kelvin asked, confused. 

"I dunno. I thought rich people have some sort of special water they drink ya know cause they so rich they don't know what to do with money." Leo looked around hoping to get some agreement, the guys just shook their heads. Lilian was with the guys but she seemed to be understanding that Leo was sprouting shit. 


I got changed into a t-shirt that was baggy and light to where. I really wanted to swim but I can't not because of my time of the month. I looked down at my chest, am I flat chested? It may have sounded weird but I checked to see, I wasn't really. I groaned in anger and just left for the beach with the guys. 

"Okay, Daniel is driving. I'm in front giving directions." Troy opened the van door while Matthew and Kevin put the stuff away.

"What? Be behind him." Kelvin argued. 

"So I don't have the right to put my music on?" Troy suggested. 

"Yeah, exactly." 

"No. Okay, Lilian you can be in between Phoenix and Kevin." Troy talked sweetly, smiling nervously at Lilian. He returned back to the left over people and pointed at the back who just nodded. 

"Why can't I sit with Phoenix!?" Ryan complained as he sat behind me, he pouted and slammed his back on the chair making the car shake a little. Daniel turned on the car and Troy placed a CD in the radio. 

"No, take the sh-" Kelvin hesitated and bit his lip not to make Lilian hear bad words. Kelvin settled back. "Take the CD out of the radio." Kelvin said through gritted teeth.

"No. It's good music." Troy refused, adjusting the radio.

"Did you finally put Shawn Mendes?" Matthew piped in. "I know what ya did last summer! I know what ya did last summer! Tell me where you've been!" Matthew sang loudly. 

"What did I do last summer?" Troy looked up, "I was at home studying." 

The guys stayed silent and Matthew had stopped singing. Troy had killed it. "Hey, Lilian want to hear a joke?" Troy asked.

"Who needs a joke when you can be the joke all year round? We don't even need April fools." Kelvin laughed making the van roar with laughter, Lilian was sort of laughing but only because the guys were laughing.


I looked at Lilian who was sleeping on my arm. I looked at the guys and they nodded turning the music down. This was going to be a long day, longer than I thought..... 

We weren't even at the beach yet and it was ten, it was fine. Can't wait for the beach, being inside the car was hot enough especially with the guys and how packed it was. 


Quick A/N:

Hello, nice to be talking again. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the last chapters like me enjoying writing the chapters. I can't believe I get embarrassed writing them, I dunno maybe because I can imagine it happening in front of me? 

If you liked the chapter be sure to vote and comment thoughts. Really appreciate reading them. Makes me smile despite the fact there isn't much.... *Looks at sky* 



P.S might update a little slower since I have been caught up in watching series from American drama to anime. 

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