Chapter Seventy: History Repeats Itself...

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A/N Last chapter...Enjoy, there'll be a bonus chapter which is the sneak peek of the second book. Btw, the next book is going to be called.
Return of the dudette.

I was given a curse when I was born. People don't like their names because it doesn't sound cool or nice or spectacular! Why don't you live my life? It's a challenge.

Because nobody can survive being expelled by now...four schools....

Well, maybe you can survive. Just not die, unless you get a heart attack. I'm surprised my step mum didn't die from when she was first told I was expelled. Well, actually, she fainted. Then become more immune to me getting expelled but anyways...Continuing with the situation...

This could possibly be my fourth school.

"What?" I stare, confused and shocked.

"What the fuck?" Kelvin stares at all of us.

"You can't do this." Leo scoffs.

"Not without a valid reason!" Daniel growls between gritted teeth. Finally breaking his cool.

"No." Matthew pouts. "You can't!"

"He can." Troy replies. "And he will."

"Fuck off, Troy." Daniel breaths out. "You're not helping."

"When does he ever?" Kelvin crosses his arms.

"You're being bias." Kevin clenches his fists.

"All because of someone snitching?!" Ryan slams his hand on the table.

"You have a week to get out of the school." Mr Hughes shrugs with a smile. I push the guys out of the way and kick the table back towards him. He flies backwards along with the table and he looks up with a pale face.

"We're not getting out of this school." I bend forward with my leg up on the table. "We stay."

Mr Hughes clears his throat. "My school, my rules."

Ryan picks me up and puts me on the ground, Daniel holding my shoulders so I don't attack. Ryan gulps and stands on the table, looking down at the principal. "What will you do to let us in the school? Keep us from expulsion?"

"What will you be willing to do?" Mr Hughes smirks widely.

"Better not be up to any funny shit." Leo spits.

"Beat HG in the four mixed festivals. You won't be." Mr Hughes replies.

"History repeats itself." Kevin mumbles.

"Guess it does." Kelvin replies to Kevin.

The door behind us swings open. Mr Hughes holds his hands out, motioning for us to take our leave. Each one of the guys put their middle fingers up and I glare at the ground, taking the handle and slamming the door hard behind me. I hear a picture frame fall and I don't bother to look behind me.


We all stand around in the classroom. Daniel looks out of the window.

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