Chapter eight: Deadman walker.

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"Phoenix. Can I ask you something?" Kelvin asked.

"No." Leo replied for me.

"Yeah, what the pastel said." Ryan replied. Ryan was the new kid. Ugh, he was annoying and he happened to be my childhood friend which I disliked as a kid.

"Shut up. I dunno why you're sitting here. Especially on me!" Leo shouted. We all looked to where Leo was. Ryan was sitting half on him.

"Thought you were the seat. You don't wear camouflage!"

"I can wear what I want. Miley Cyrus can so why can't I?"

"It's a different situation." Ryan defended. Leo glared at him before shaking his head.


"Anyways. Phoenix, am I pretty or ugly?" Kelvin asked. Daniel took a seat next to us, looking at me.

"Both." I replied. All the guys stared at me confused.

"That's not an answer." Kelvin said.

"It is."

"I don't even understand the answer. Am I pretty or ugly?"

"Your both?" I said. "Meaning, you're pretty...."

"Thank you."

"Pretty ugly."  When I said that the boys cracked up. Leo put his phone down to support his laughter. Kelvin looked at me flatly.

"Least I know I'm pretty." He smirked. Nothing can get him down for sure.


I looked down as I sat on the rooftop of the dorm.

I saw a pack of cigars. "Would you like one?" A familiar voice asked. I looked and saw Troy.

"Perfect perfect smokes?" I asked, shock. He shrugged.

"It's not illegal."

"Neither are you legal."

"True." He leaned against the wall with me. "Ugh, I hate Kelvin. He's an ass."

I stayed silent. It seemed like troy was going to get deep with me. This is going to turn bad. He can tell me stuff naturally while I've got secrets that I can't tell. I'm lying everyday without even trying.

I stared at the sky. Seeing it peaceful, I want to go home. I've been in this school for a month. Pretty impressive.

"What's it like being a prefect?"

"Meh, it's like being a teacher in a way." Troy shrugged. I nodded. "Except you have to deal with stupid people everyday."

"So, um." Troy spoke awkwardly. I sat there, silently. "Well, I'm taking these. Also don't smoke."

"You smoke."

"It was a joke." He defended. Troy took the cigars and left the rooftop. I followed after him, he's not a bad guy. He just had loads of people to deal with and dealing with Kelvin is like dealing with a thousand people.


From behind a hand wrapped over my shoulder. Ryan was there. "Wassup."

"Hey." I replied to him.

"want to play a game of four square?"

"What's that?"

"Games the freshman play. "

"You play with freshmen?"

"No. I play with Daniel. He's like taking a whole army out."

"Meh, sports aren't my thing." I begun to walk away until Ryan grabbed my hand.

"C'mon. One round." He begged. With his brown eyes tying to convince me.

"No, I'm studying." I lied. Yeah, I don't study. Somehow I still pass.

"Right. You study." He rolled his eyes. "Play one round then you can leave."


"Bet a girl can do better." I smiled as my back was facing him. I'm a girl, I could beat him. I turned myself around.

"Okay, one game." I grinned. I followed Ryan as he went past the dorms.

One was blue, red and yellow. I was in yellow dorm. On the top of the doors it read team Vinstinc. Nothing to do with magic... in a way it does sort of.

"I'm in Malor." Ryan smiled.

"Nobody asked you."

"I was thinking you were asking me."

"If I did i would ask." Ryan stayed silent as we walked to the four squares.


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