Chapter Sixteen: Broken Bones

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It definitely wasn't a good idea to having a 'drinking juice' contest with some old pals I knew back when I was more rebellious and gave a bad name to my dads company. Oh, those memories. Where I was no where near feminine despite the fact I went to an all girls. 

I saw Logan at the train station and decided to avoid him. Even at school. I remembered him but I forgot where I had met him, I know it wasn't at the beach...

But anyways, I was forced to use the boys bathroom after my encounter with Ryan. This fucking pervert, was staring from above when I was in the stalls. Lucky I didn't show anything yet, I was unbuckling those challenging pants. Since I bought a size twice as big.


I kicked Ryan hard in the shin, he howled in pain holding his shin. "I said sorry, doesn't that count for anything?" He apologized. "I was checking to see if you were embarrassed to show some things!" 

"Oh, thanks for checking up on me. Despite the fact you could have seen everything." I sarcastically said. Glaring at him. 

"No problem, that's what friends are fo-" 

"I want to kick you where the sun don't shine so bad, to the point where you won't be classified as male because you no longer have it." As I said that I heard a few people snickering as we were near the food courts. Ryan just whimpered putting his head down slightly. I grunted in response to his whimpers. 

"Um, so want to go on a double date?" 

"That's not going to make up for anything." Ryan pouted at me, puppy eyes ready and his fingers twiddling around. "Besides, I don't want to have a double with two girls I dunno know." 

"You're not going too." I looked up and saw a figure looming over me and Ryan. Ryan smiled while I turned around, quick on my defense before it was released to relief. It was just Ryan's little brother. Joey the little cutie, actually he's a big cutie since he's tall? 

I grinned giving him a fist bump. "Nice to see you, Phoenix. Long time no see." 

"Yeah, really has been. I remember when you were small and so quiet and shy. SO adorable." I cooed, Joey blushed. 

"How about it?" Joey coughed, giving me puppy dog eyes. I could never say no to the guy that was like a kid brother to me. 

I hesitated, my eyes closing so I could avoid seeing those eyes. "Fine." I gave in. 

"Yessss, we're the gay couple!" Ryan pounced on me. Hugging the life out of me, people gave us stares and I tried to push him away. I'm not gay with the both definitions. I'm not even happy. And I'm not even a guy or into girls, Joey just chuckled. 


I held my mouth. I could feel myself about to puke, I held it in. "Ha ha! Hang in there!" Ryan slapped my back hard and it was no use trying to hold anything now as Ryan had managed to make me spill my lunch back out. 

It was good food too. I wiped my mouth as I had finished, glaring at Ryan with my eyes filled with tears. "I have to go wash up." I snapped, still looking Ryan who just laughed nervously and fled the scene. 

The day had gone by and the time was about five. The park was going to close soon and Joey needed to tell his crush how he feels about her. Me and Ryan had decided to go with a classic cliche and take them to the Ferris wheel. 

"Tell her how you feel about her in the ride." Ryan gave the thumbs up at his little brother. I put the thumbs up too. 

"I'm going to be so proud of you when you get a girlfriend." I smiled, wiping a tear. "My little Joey is all grown up." 

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