Chapter six: Pawns serve anyone.

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"You can't do that." Nathan told me. This guy was part of the chess club and I was bored so I asked him to teach me and now I can't be bothered playing by the rules.

"Why not? Pawns are pawns, they're servants are they not?" I asked, looking him in the eye like I interrogating him.

"Well they are bu-"

"Servants can do whatever."

"But they only serve the king none else."

"Nu-uh!" I denied. It was true but I'm not going to say he was correct, he was younger than me and I never like to admit to people younger than me they are right but when it comes to naughty little kids its a different outcome. I hang them upside down until they say sorry, I know its mean but they should respect the elder, I'm sure everybody was taught that.

"Alright, who else do they serve?"He challenged.

"Give it up, pawns serve king and that's it." My pawn was turned into a queen and saw a hand that had tattoos on it, it was a skull tattoo. Nathan looked up annoyed. "Che-ck ma-te." He slowly said, I looked up only to see a pink pastel haired boy. I only one guy with pastel colored hair, Leo. "Hey, Phoenix."

"Hey, Leonard."

"I told you not to call me that." Leo said, he plopped next to me nearly pushing me off the seat. "Let's play some real chess, Natey?"

"Don't call me that."

"Why because only your mummy can call you that?" He jokes with a grin rising on his face, I do the same but turns into laughter.

Nathan had a blank face on before admitting. "Yeah, only she can."

I snorted before cracking into laughter, Leo was taken back a second before raising an eyebrow out. "Are you serious?"

"Wh-what? You asked me right and I said yes." Leo breathed out before rolling his eyes and staying silent awkwardly.

"Mama's boy." He mumbled under his breath. I giggled before Leo ruffling my hair. "Let's play some chess, Natey."

I think hanging with boys is even better than hanging with girls, for some reason I felt more calm and I could be myself unlike when I was in middle school and I went to an all girls and for some reason I could never be friends with girls because it was impossible to get along with them...


After a game of chess it was now a Thursday afternoon, classes were done and there was nothing special to be done.

I was bored and decided to go around the school dorm to see what was happening. I got to the first floor and there I heard some weird music and then screaming. "Oh my god! Aliens!!" A voice screamed, I slowly approached to where I heard the music and the screaming.

"Take that off your head!" A familiar voice growled off, I then realized Troy was argueing with someone until the person in view was Matthew. He had a tin foil on his head.

"No! They can read my minds and I don't want that!" Matthew whined, screaming back at Troy. He tried to grab the foiled hat off his head until Matthew started to kick and scratch at the prefect.

"Shut up and hand it over, you fool! There is no aliens neither do they exist!"

"That's exactly what aliens say! MEN IN BLACK!!" He started to scream louder than before. People seemed to be ignoring what Matthew was saying, some were just rolling their eyes like they thought this was normal. Since when is someone screaming aliens and having a tin foil hat on their head normal!?

Troy rolled his eyes and looked around before noticing me and pulling me into the conversation. "Phoenix, help me out. This idiot here thinks aliens exist."

"They do th-" Matthew covered his mouth like he said forbidden words.

"Look, I'll give you a detention free day." Troy said to me, "you can use it whenever." I nodded, not agreeing to what he was saying. "Two days?" I just stared at him waiting for a bit more of a deal. "Three."

"Deal." I said, there wasn't really a point in this but for the fun of it I guess so. It's usually fun to use someones powers like if you need a grilled cheese and you have superman beside you and you happen to have bread and cheese, just slap it together and use superman's laser eyes and boom! You've got an easy grilled cheese.

"Okay, good. Deal with him." Troy said running away, like when he gave me detention for the first time.

"Why are you wearing a tin foil hat?" I asked. Matthew stared at me wide eyed confused.

"You need a hat too! You're not safe!" He said, looking around like he was crazy.

"What are you on ab-"

"Ssshhh, they can hear our plans. It's not safe to talk like this, the men in black can hear us." Matthew whispered, he was awfully close to me. Our faces were right next to each other. "We can mail each other, wait no." He began to trial off until he came back to me right in my face, he had to stand on his tiptoe because he was that short. "I'll try to mind read with you and you try too." He put his index finger in front of him and began to move it from his head to mine and then started to make a face. "Your thinking of...."

"Matthews being an idiot?"

"Yes, Matthews being an idi- wha, no!" Matthew denied. He pulled away from the stupid faces he was making.

"Three, two, one." Kevin was behind Matthew and he passed out on to the ground, Kevin caught him before looking at me with apologetic eyes. "Sorry, he's been going through since freshman. Some senior had hypnotized him to act like this every Thursday and to end it either me or um, another guy have to say three, two, one and he'll pass out only to stop him from acting like this. The senior also thought it lasted for a day and then suddenly it started going on." He laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind." I took the tin foil hat off his head and scrunched it into a ball.

"Also, hey Phoenix." Kevin greeted as Matthew was on his back. "I didn't say that did I?"

I shook my head. "Guess I'll see you around." I opened the door to my room and stepped in before getting a bye from Kevin. He's a nice guy and seems to have manners while he twin is like the opposite.


Authors note.

It's now the sixth chapter and spoiler- there will be new characters into the chapters, can you guess the new characters. Ha, ha. Also, Matthew is a bit crazy but might not be for long spoiler again. Also would you like to know about what Phoenix does on the weekend because I kind of just want to skip all to Monday.


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