Chapter forty one: Ticket back to the past, part 1

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Third POV
This was when they first meet Phoenix.
A/N The story isn't over yet so keep your eyes open for the next chapters

Chapter three; Catboy and pastel hair. Flashbacks

"Why can't we all just shut up about the new kid?" Kelvin suggests, taking his seat next to Leo. He looks up then back to his book. "You're such a nerd, reading, getting good grades, wearing glasses." Kelvin lists while leaning back on the chair.

"Like you're one to talk about grades. You've practically got a natural thinking brain."

"That's a thing?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is." Leo and Kelvin just stare at each other trying to figure out if it is a thing. Leo just opens his eyes a little wider and shakes his head, confused but not wanting to question anything.

"Oh, Leo, I used your computer last night." Someone says from the door. Matthew stands there and gathers the attention of everyone in the class. "You forgot to close your tabs." Matthew says, he smirks and Leo starts to go red.

"Ooh, what was the last tab he opened?" Kelvin curiously asks, with a mischievous smirk growing on his face. Matthew snickers to himself and stares at Leo. Leo biting his bottom lip and looking down at his paper.

"Hint, hint, it was a video." Matthew laughs. Leo covers his face and puts it to the table. The class roars with laughter.

"Matthew, I thought we were fucking friends! You piece of shit!" Leo snaps his head up. His face was completely red and hot too. Kelvin slaps Leo's back hard as he tries to contain his laughter which is impossible at the moment.

"Okay, settle down, settle down." Mr Looper entered the classroom with his briefcase. "I've got the new student to introduce." The new kid enters the classroom and Mr Looper points at the table behind Kelvin and Leo to sit. That's the only free table anyways.

"New student in the school and our class. Phoenix Quinn, would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr Looper asks with a gentle smile.

Kelvin and Leo glance at each other. 'A new student, huh? So, late in the year. Wow, are we really desperate for students, now?" Leo thought.

Kelvin leans against his chair, arms behind his head. 'The new kid kinda looks to good to be a guy. Oh well, he might've been a pretty boy at his old school and he's got long hair too, the only people left with long hair is Jenson and Ta'masu." Kelvin thinks to himself.

Chapter four: Twins and Prefects. Flashback

Kevin catches up to his brother and he new prefect, Troy. "Troy! What are you doing to KELVIN!?" Kevin asks, almost horrified at the sight. Troy straddles his brother while his hands are filled with a bunch of orange detention slips.

"I apologize, I was giving your brother something." Troy stands off Kelvin who has his mouth stuffed with detention slips.

Kelvin spits it out. "He was just about to give me his AIDS." Kelvin holds the slips in his handing. "Don't worry as well, but what did you guys think of the new kid?" Kelvin smirks, counting the detention slips. Ripping the ones he thought he wouldn't need.

"Why doesn't he have an Adams apple?" Kevin shrugs, looking down but glancing at the two.

"You're rude, what if he hasn't puberty yet?" kelvin scoffs at the accusation, finding it more amusing than anything and then offensive. Kelvin stands up and brushes himself.

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