Chapter four: Twins and prefects.

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I've been here for about..... Three days and I'm doing fine. Whoever said that I'm not going to last for two days can kiss my ass, kidding. I got use to the environment and I was fitting in well, my hair got in the way and sometimes nearly got my gender exposed. So what? My hair is to long, for a guy. I'm a girl for fucks sake. But, I can't reveal my true identity.

I sat in the hall along with the other students. They were introducing the new prefects or whatever and I was bored, wasn't it like half way through the year? I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be introducing the new prefects in the beginning of the year.

"And now we have Troy Hemertson." The boy who they called walked along the stage and started to give a speech. We didn't really need to hear it but...

"Now, today. We see the sky is blue, we are blue when we are de-" Troy was cut off as Kelvin had shouted. He was behind me and I could tell because he was annoying me by talking random things to me.

"Your funeral!" Kelvin shouted, he made the school roar with laughter and the boy Troy. Hey, that rhymes anyways... As the school did so, Troy glared at Kelvin.

"Kelvin, shut up now." How did he know that? Does he have super eyesight or something?

"You wish." Kelvin replied. Everybody in the hall had said 'ooooh.'

"If anybody wanting a fight to happened there is nothing going to happen." Troy said. His monolid eyes were filled with rage, he seemed like he wanted to expel everybody. Kelvin started Boeing at Troy.

"You suck!" Someone shouted.

Troy retorted back. "You swallow." Everybody in the hall roared with laughter and 'ooooooh' filled the air. Kelvin seemed to be laughing but I heard someone whisper to him.

"Kelvin, look what you started." I turned around to see a boy who looked exactly like Kelvin. It was a clone! Oh, whoops. They were twins, Phoenix. Your such an idiot at times. Kelvin looked at me then his twin.

"Kevin, have you met this guy?" Kelvin asked, smirking. Every time he does that I'm pretty sure he plans something evil. "He's funny as fuck." Funny? Phoenix, we never say anything funny.

"I'm Kevin."

"Phoenix." I replied back to him. Kevin looked exactly like his brother but he didn't smirk neither have green eyes. He had amber eyes. Kevin was about to say something to me but was cut off as the teacher began to speak.

"Okay, settle down everybody." The teacher ordered...


"I heard he's coming back." A boy said as I was walking through the corridors. Everybody there seemed to be drained, but where was the colors going to? "Heard he's coming back with Danny."

"Didn't they rob a bank?" The other boy asked.

"They ran from the station." Fugitives! Are they taking cover at this school?

"I heard Dan killed somebody and he is taking cover with him and they're going to hide in this school."

"I'm going to call mummy and tell her to get me out of this school." Fucking, rich kids.
Wait, I'm a rich kid too.

"I'm on that plan too. I don't want to be killed!" Everybody in the corridor seemed to scattering about, some even wetting their pants. They put boys to shame. I shook my head, I can't believe I was put in a school with a bunch of wusses. Before I knew it some boys started crying, why was I standing here again? Oh right, I wanted to get inside my room for lunch. I rolled my eyes and left all those crybabies to panic about this so called guy him.

I walked around and there I saw Kelvin, arguing with the new prefect Troy. "Detention?"

"Yes, for swearing."

"Swearing. Alright, but I already have a detention slip." Kelvin said, his head swinging down but not in shame. His left eye on an angle looked at me and they had mischief in them. "Want to see?"

"Yeah, I don't mind giving you double detention or maybe a triple detention." Kelvin straightened himself up and he rummaged through the pocket of his blazer and pulled his hand out. Troy held his hand out and Kelvin handed him rubbish.

"One, take my rubbish because you're a trash bin and two, I've got two slips. This is the first." Kelvin did the middle finger to him on his right. "This is the second." On his left hand he copied what his right hand did, the middle finger.

"I give you four detentions!"

"I'll do them on one condition." Kelvin said, a smirk on his face. I think I've caught up to his act now. He only does a smirk when he thinks of something bad.

"Which is?"

"If he does it." Kelvin pointed straight at me. I jumped in surprise.

"Alright, who are you? Name, class, teacher and dorm room name."

"Wha- why do you need all those information on me? You only need my name." I said. "Plus why am I getting detention for something I haven't done?"

Troy whispered to me. "Just give me the details and I'll explain later."

"Um, Phoenix Quinn.... Um.... Class-101. Teacher Mr Bortan. Dorm- something to do with magic." I explained. What did this have to do with anything? He only needs my fucking name!

Troy nodded and looked at Kelvin which he was supposed to be there but was gone. He rolled his eyes and handed me the rubbish. "Okay, look. You aren't going to get detention. And I need to go." He began to run and I could tell he was running for Kelvin. This guy handed me trash as well.

"Ah, damn it. Did I miss by brother?" A panted voice asked, I turned around and saw that it was Kevin, he had his hands on his knees. He then looked at me and smiled gently. "Hey, Phoenix. Where's um....." He begun to catch his breath but then looked at me. I pointed at the way that Kelvin and Troy went. "Thanks. Catch ya round."

Like that the bell had gone. Lunch was over, nice. Back to class. Wait, am I excited for class? I don't believe that. Has this school changed me? I hope not.

Authors note.

Thanks for all those who have supported the book and for one that has helped me with the book. ZARIAKELVIN
They're are really nice and helpful... Anyways, did you like any of the new characters in the book? Although the new characters didn't get much time to be in the chapter. Only Troy.


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