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Bella's POV

I didn't know what to do now. Edward's dying, and the only person who might know the cure is unconscious. What will I do?

"Guys! Roer's waking up!" My daughter's voice shrieked happily.

All of us were instantly in Carlisle's room, in which Carlisle was doing his best to make him conscious. I looked at Roer and he really was awake now.

Using Jasper's skill I sensed that he felt uncomfortable but happy at the same time. Probably because he finally met his mate.

"Hey dude, I'm sorry for throwing you like that." Emmett said sincerely.

Roer looked up at Emmett and nodded his head, "It's alright."

He then averted his gaze to my daughter, who at the moment was smiling at him. I sensed that he felt genuinely happy.

I didn't want to ruin their moment, but Edward needs to be cured as soon as possible. So I cleared my throat and successfully gained their attention, "Roer we need to talk to you." My voice was serious.

He nod his head in understanding and gestures for me to continue speaking, "You are part of Victoria's army right?"

He hesitated for a moment but finally spoke the truth, "Yes I was."

I closed my eyes trying to calm myself, "Were you there when they tortured Edward?" My voice sounded angry, but seriously I'm frickin' doing my best here.

"I was told to kill him."

I opened my eyes, "But you didn't, why?"

The room was super silent, everybody held their breath. Tss. Vampires don't breath.

"He looked familiar. It was like I've seen him before. And now that you asked, I finally remembered. He fought me when I was about to eat this little girl. I was actually surprised at first, I've never seen someone- a vampire rather, who was willing to die for a little girl. A human. That's when I realized that I wanted to be like him. I wanted to cherish life instead destroying it. So after that incident, I decided to drink animal blood. His actions pushed me to it, and I don't regret my decision one bit."

I felt something inside me flutter. Wait. Why the hell am I feeling proud and happy of Edward's action?!

"Do you know how to cure him?" Carlisle spoke urgently, "He really doesn't have much time left. The poison's infecting his whole system." His tone showed the amount of pain he was feeling.

"The poison is especially made. Which means that the blood of the victim was needed for it's production. And as I've heard, there is only one way to cure him...

His mate's venom and affection."

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