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Roer's POV

I stared at the Volturi Princess, she really is powerful. Given the fact that they were able to abduct me, is beyond compare.

I am Roer, my friends call me that instead of another name that I've forgotten centuries past.

I've been a vampire for almost 3 centuries, three hundred years. I'm a freakin oldie, but my heart... still searches for the love of my mate.

I closed my eyes, trying to control my anger. They have no right to abduct me, I should have killed Edward in the first place... but my kindness always kicks in.

Hell! I've even stopped drinking human blood, animal blood was always my first option.

"You're a vegetarian, are you not?" The bulky guy, driving the Jeep asked me.

I opened my eyes, that was the answer. My eyes were as the same color's as theirs... Golden brown.

I nodded my head, "Yes, I am."

He stared at me for a while, "That's good."

After a few minutes the Jeep stopped, we were here.

"Anthony, carry Edward." The princess demanded.

She eyed me for a second, "Emmett, make sure he doesn't escape." With that she trekked towards the mansion.

The silence was deafening, I was getting more bored as the seconds ticked... I crave action.

Then suddenly, a boisterous laughter filled the Jeep, "Stop that look of yours, it's challenging." Emmett sneered.

I raised him an eyebrow, "Huh, you won't even stand a chance." I scoffed. Did he mean to say that he can defeat me? Not a chance!

I sensed that he was trying to control his temper, "Really? I take your silence as a yes." I feigned arrogance.

He snapped his head towards my way, "Let's fight then?" He challenged. That's what I'm talking about.

We went out the Jeep and positioned ourselves, right in front of the mansion. I smirked at Emmett, edging him to do the first attack... well he took it.

He ran up to me and tried to punch my jaw, but my reflexes were faster than his petty moves, I dodged his attack easily.

I looked at his shocked look, "You're too slow."

He growled angrily and attacked me, but it ended with me holding his neck between my hands.

I was about to end his pathetic life, when suddenly a ball of fire hit my arm... shit!

I snapped my head towards my attacker, angry as hell, promising to end it's petty life... But I soon ate my words at the sight of Her... the most beautiful being in the world... my mate.

I was too enthralled by our staring contest, that I didn't notice that Emmett has recovered.


My body was thrown at a nearby boulder, my mate's melodic shriek filled my ears before darkness kicked in.

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