The Mate Part II

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Reneesme's POV

I glanced at my phone's screen for the hundredth time... What's taking them so long?

My brother Anthony groaned beside me, "Where the hell are they?" It was pretty clear that he too, was worried.

An amused chuckle made our heads snap, "Chill my dear nephews, your mom will surely succeed." Uncle Aro's calm tone made us calm, somehow.

Anthony nodded his head, "So... how's dad?" He asked changing the subject.

Uncle Aro scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "Which one? Alec? Or Edward?"

Anthony glared at him, "I only have one father." He snapped.

Uncle Aro's eyes widened as he realized his mistake, "Sorry... But Alec's good, he might return two days from now." He said, making a peace sign with his fingers.

I rolled at my brother's attitude, he always hated our father. Sure, I'm angry with our dad because he left us... but I know that there was a story behind it.

He and my mom were mates, it burned like hell to be away from your mate... yet he chose to leave. There was a reason behind this, and that's what I'm going to find out.

"They're here!" Uncle Marcus's announcement brought me back to reality, and my legs involuntarily brought me towards the living room.

"Oh my God!" Esme's voice stood out among the silence.

I looked at what gave her the expression, and almost cried... Edward looked dead.

Everybody was too busy to attend his medical needs, but I just stared at him- my dad... in the edge of death. I also saw that Anthony was moved at the sight.

"I-I'm gonna go for a run." I said shaken. My mom snapped her head towards me, 'Don't worry... I'll make sure he'll live.'

I slouched and went my way towards the door. I clenched my fists and controlled my temper... I could ruin a freaking building! My dad didn't deserve this beating!

I was about to go into the woods when a sight caught my attention... and it only made me angrier, how dare he attack Uncle Emmett!

I Felt the anger course through my veins, I flicked my wrist and formed a fireball... and harshly sent it towards the attacker's back.

I almost laughed when it hit him in the back, but my laugh was cut short when an angry growl emerged from the attacker... Uh Oh!

He snapped his head to my direction... My eyes widened at the sudden feeling I was experiencing... "Mate." I murmured.

But before anything else, his body was thrown at a nearby tree, "NO!" I screamed so loud, but it didn't matter. What matters right now is the fact that my mate is currently unconscious.


This chapter should at least reach, 30 votes :) No update till then, so PLEASE share my story... the reads are really decreasing :(

- Faith <3

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