The Problem (Carlisle's POV)

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Hi guys!!!  this chapter is dedicated to "prettygurl_alana" for her awesome idea!



Carlisle's POV

10 years ago...

"We need their help."

I stated.

"Are you positive they'll help? "

Esme asked with hesitation.

"I'm not sure, but I think they will."

I say assuring her.

"If you say so, but we still have to ask the kids."

She says.

"Of course, I'll ask them later."

After saying goodbye to Esme, I immediately went to my study room.

These past few years, has been the most horrible years of my existence.

It all started, when Bella left.

Edward, felt incomplete, he'll lock himself in his room and stay there for months.

We tried to find Bella, but it's as if she vanished in thin air.

And just a year ago, we were threatened by Victoria, as the years passed she became more determined than ever, to get revenge, she built herself an army.

My thoughts were disturbed by a scream.

"Carlisle! help! Edward! Esme! anyone! "

Fright and panic is evident in Rosalie's voice.

In a flash, I immediately went to the living room, where her voice came from.

"Oh My God!!! w-what, What happened!?"

Alice's asked

"Rosalie, Dear what's the matter? "

Esme asked calmly.


She trailed off, but she end up crying.

"Rosalie, Tell us what happened, so we can help you."

I said with pure concern.

"I-Its, Emmett, they got Emmett!"

She Cried.

Just as she finished talking, a loud thud was heard outside.

We immediately went outside, only to be welcomed by the sight of Emmett's beaten up body.


Rosalie screamed.

"Carlisle, is He dead? "

Alice asks me.

I checked on the beatings and was relieved to see they were nothing to be feared of.

"No, He only experienced minor attacks."

I assured them.

Rosalie sighed a sigh of relief. We were silent for a while, but the silence was broken, by Alice's voice.

"Guys! look what I found in his pocket! a letter!"

She screamed.

Rosalie took the letter from Alice's grip, and read it out loud.

"Hi Cullens, this will serve as a warning, a warning for you guys to remember. Well I have to say, we had a hard time on beating this dummy. but it wasn't a fair fight of course, so to be fair, we let him go, it'll be to bad if he'll die, no action on the Main Battle, right?

Victoria xoxo"

After reading the letter, Rosalie ripped it so fast, we didn't see it coming.



Sorry it was short.





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