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Bella's POV

     "What?" I asked dumbfounded. Venom? Affection?! Seriously?

     Roer met my eyes, "Yes. You heard me right. You need to inject your venom inside his system, and make him feel fulfilled on the duration of his healing."

     I flashed my eyes, "What made you think I am his mate?" How did he know?

     "Well, you are so affected by it." Was I that obvious?

     My anger increased, "We are all affected by this."

     He just nod his head in agreement.

     I ran a hand in my face, frustrated by the current problem. If I do this, Edward will live, if I don't... Well he'll die. But isn't that the reason why I'm back? To avenge my broken heart? I shouldn't do it. Yes. I want him dead.

     "Bella, please help him." Esme's voice rang in the silence.

     I faced her and felt the pain she, they, were feeling. The whole Cullen clan, including my kids were heartbroken, the family that took me in like their own, the family who endured my being human just to make their son happy. This was my family, and whether I like it or not, they still are. And I can't let them down.

     "Okay. I'll do it." I said.

     Esme burst into tears and hugged me tightly, "Thank you Bella. Thank you." I also noticed the relief in Rosalie and Emmet's faces as well as Jasper's and Alice.

     "What are you doing?!" Alec's angry remark ended the serene moment. "You hate him. Why save him?" He hissed angrily.

     I faced him, "I'm sorry Alec, but even if he did hurt me in the past, it doesn't change the fact that a part of me will always care for him." Saying that statement somehow lessened the burden I had. 

     "You are not saving him!" The anger in his voice raised as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. Jasper tried to stop him but Jane acted out of instinct, and Jasper fell on the floor, limp.

     This angered me but knowing Alec, making him angrier would cause a bigger ruckus. He dragged me towards the woods, towards a clearing and slammed me in tree gently.

     "Why are you even considering this Bella?! The man broke your heart! He hurt you! Why would you help even help him?!" He rambled without pause.

     I ran my hands over my face in frustration, "You don't understand. I'm his mate, I am a part of him and so is he to me, we are one. We always will be, heart break or not." I knew I was hurting him but it was true.

     He leaned in and trapped me with his two arms, "You swore you'll have revenge, please, don't." His voice was very desperate, begging in fact.

     I've had enough.

     "Stop! You don't understand! You never will! You've never had a mate before!" I screamed as I pushed him off me.

     Something in his eyes sparked, was it anger? Or hurt?

     "You don't know everything about me Bella. Remember that." His voice was artic, it made my spine tingle.

     I eyed him accusingly, "So you mean to say you lied to me? That you know who your mate is?" My tone more shocked rather than hurt.

     He clenched and unclenched his jaw, he opened his mouth and closed it again like he wanted to say something but was hesitant.

     "Forget about it. If you want to cure that miserable excuse of a mate of yours then go ahead. But know this, you are mine and I hate sharing."

     He then kissed me hard, I tried to push him off but he was gone before I could even think. What did he mean by that? And what is he hiding from me?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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