School Girls

18 2 0

I am benumbed

By the people around me

I can't feel an ounce of anything

No anxiety

Or fear

But I can't believe it

Is this laughter?

Escaping my lips?

Am I enjoying my classes

Or just observing them?

Everyone is smiling

They all forgot what happened

The words said

And friendships broken

Smoke rising from my lips


That's the one feeling I have

Light headed


Tearing each other apart

Maybe I find the smoke

So beautiful

Because I'm clinging to everything

About him

He still loves me

I can't think




With him in my head

I worked so hard to pry him out

One knock and he's in


I want to go the festival

To see him

But the only thing I'll see

Is his ghost

Speaking of ghosts

I feel the ghost

Of this strange thing

Tugging upon my lips

And strumming my vocal chords

Is this a smile

Is this laughter

How long has it been?

I missed you too much

This feeling

I won't talk to the people

Who's sentences I cannot

Will not


Not Joey

Who called me a slut

Not Natalie

Who called me a bully

Not Shannon

Who said no one would want me

The way I am

I know no one wants me

Don't you know

That these cuts aren't scars

But just tear tracks

That stayed on my skin

I will not change

For anyone

Teachers glare down kids

Kids laugh at them

Foggy blue eyes

Starting at fresh green ones

They want respect in this school

You won't get there

I promise you that

I stretch the truth

But not about things

That will tear apart

The delicate


Social climate

Kids don't care

And neither do you

So don't cry about it anymore

We know we're drop outs

Burn outs

But maybe I can get somewhere

With these knock out eyes

And dagger tongue

The girls are hidden

Beneath the make up and clothes

She talked to me

Because she recognized my face

But no one can

Because you can actually see it now

The boys are acting like

they own the place

Sauntering down the halls

But in honesty

The only thing that runs this place

Is the running joke

Of success in this hellhole

The bell rings for the last time today

Shaking the cobwebs from its digital


Asking if you're late

Asking if you care

But it echoes sadly

Because it already knows

I pack my bags

And get ready for the ride

Awkward tension

Between the girl

I sent to the hospital

The girl who almost ruined my life

I don't want to talk to her

I'm too dangerous

And she's too triggering

I drag my empty body off the bus

Enter the empty house

I go upstairs and crawl onto

My haven

Curl up

And cry out the toxins in my system

From the poison in the air

At this "professional workplace"

There is nothing professional about

Falling apart

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