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It was never playing around

It was never want

It was desire

It was need

Necessity for the body

I will never see

The one you will always crave


Or otherwise

Where no one can see us

Pinned against the corner

Nails digging into skin

Blood swarms beneath my skin

As pain turns to passion


Into unbelievable pleasure

Clothes stay on

Inhibitions do not

Temptations in my mind

But your lips on mine

Be my dirty little secret

Let me hide behind glassy eyes

And bloodshot gazes

Excuses for actions

Listed off limits

Be a rebel

Cross the lines

Go deeper

I'm at my limit

So lets go further

I can still feel you

Hands roaming

Subtly scratching my neck

Holding my arms out

And grazing my scars

Choked for desperate breath

But having it pulled away

As I gasp for more

He never knew

And she will have no idea

But what remains in our memories

Gives knowing glances

And happy smirks

None the wiser

Except us of coarse

Wiser to what pulls the moans

From inside us

Even if I shouldn't make a sound

Where do we go from here?

Still a barrier

On both sides

Doesn't stop stolen moments

Living on one moment

Purely to the next

I'm thinking maybe I was stoned

My feet lifted off the ground

This let's me see

What it is

Lonely people seek

Another person

As we stumble around

Like strangers in the dark

Only this time

There are no lines to memorize

This is no longer scripted

Because too often we break character

To who we truly are

And I hope you don't mind

What we've developed into

It's too far gone

To ever go back

Is it my turn

Or yours

Who cares?

As long as we both have a hit

We can go all night

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