Sonnets of Lamination

12 1 0

He loves me

A drop hits the floor

Is it a tear

Or blood

Which is thicker?

Because it isn't anything

I know

Where do we go from here?


But won't it bring us back

To the way things

Were before

We went insane

You lost it

And I followed shortly

The day we fell apart

I should've known

Should've known my heart

Wasn't the only thing


My sanity split apart

In a fire storm

I melted away

Into a bone thin


It was almost as bad

As the first time

I didn't think I'd

So soon

Be writing about you again

Flynn Rider

I never knew

You felt my pain

You didn't seem to care

When you sent him to tell me

We were done


Couldn't face me yourself

You never answered me

Why were you dating me?

Hold on to me

Because I'm slipping again

If you really care

Then dry my tears

And hold me

Till I can stop shaking

From the mess

I'd love to see you then

Protecting me

So weak

Another drop

Is it poison


It's a tear

But not of sorrow

More of fear

Fear of the emotions

That await me


How can you give me


I sit in the tunnel

And think

This is where I've always


My home

My sanctuary

My escape

With you

From you

I'm smile at the dark

It whispered to me

Remember him

I stand to leave

Walking along the river bed

I trip again

And you're already there

Holding me

As we


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