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Who do you think

I am?

Steals; often

Lies; often

Eats to much; often

Eats to little; sometimes

Your answers show me

That you can't see me

No matter how hard you look

I'm not there anymore am I

Not to you at least

Mothers always knew

Their daughters best

Or so I thought

In hindsight

You always saw me as

Someone else

We never agreed

Can you really say

You understand?

Why accuse me of things?

But never to my face.

Always to some therapist

Always comes as a surprise

May be I should surprise you


I'm starving again


I'm failing again


I'm seeing Devon again


I've killed myself

Life's biggest adventure

And you know it

This is my way of Peter Pan Syndrome

I'm trapped thinking

My old thoughts

But we both know I could


Give in

I'm too weak

I don't care what you say

You always tell me

I've made so much progress

So why did you label me

As still a problem child

I wouldn't be a problem

If I wasn't here

Who wants to stay in a home

Where no one recognizes her

I thought it was only


But now you're blind too

You close the door to my prison again

I want to scare you

Because I want to show you

I've come so far

But that angry cycle

Will go no where

I'm done with everyone

Can't trust my family

Who needs friends

I'll be in more corner if you

Want to torment me again

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