chapter 2

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(joeys POV)

the bus stopped at the school and Shane bolted off into the school. people stared at him like he was some sort of freak. I wondered if he was the kid everyone bullies, I was one that person and it was terrible.

I walk down the hallways and see Shane by what I assumed was his locker. I looked at the piece of paper with my locker information and it turns out we were locker neighbors!

"hi" I said to him quietly, he stops what he's doing and looks at me

"hey" he replied

"what's your class schedule?" I ask taking out mine

he shows me his and it turned out we had the first and the last class together.

(Shane's POV)

why is he being nice to me I wondered, well it doesn't matter because sawyers going to make him hate me. he's not going to go much longer with out finding out I'm gay.

I kind of wish be was gay to, but if he was he would get bullied and he's to perfect for me to let him get hurt

we were almost to class when we ran into sawyer, great, he's just who I wanted to see.

"who's this you faggot? did you finally find a boyfriend or does he think your ugly just like everyone else!" sawyer laughed

(joeys POV)

is Shane gay? i got a bit excited at that thought, maybe Shane and I can be together. I was soon snapped out of my trance when Shane got punched in the stomach. I didn't know what to do, he mouthed the words run but I couldn't. I couldn't leave him.

"leave him alone!" I finally screamed anger rushing through my body. he stopped punching Shane and just looked at me

"what was that pretty boy?" he questioned

"I said leave him alone."

I felt my cheek burn. it took me a second to realise sawyer punched me. he was about to punch me again, but Shane jumped on his back.

"run!" Shane screamed, as he was thrown to the ground. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand pulling him up. we ran to class not looking behind us.

the teacher looked at us as we walked in I sat down and he sat next to me, I think I'm in love with him. but he's the first person who ever made an attempt to be friends with me. I can't do anything stupid.

"Shane and who I'm assuming to joey, please explain why your late." the teacher said coldly.

Shane spoke up saying he was showing me around. she dismissed it and went back to teaching.

(Shane's POV)

I was crying. you would have to look at me to tell but I was crying, a lot. I just wanted to escape, but joeys my new hope. I just met him but I feel like he actually cares.

about 5 minuets into class I got a note from joey asking if I was ok. I wrote him back saying I was fine. that was a lie. then I got another note with his cellphone number on it, put it into my phone and went back to partly paying attention.

the rest of the day dragged on and it was finally time to leave and go home to my own personal hell. with any luck my father will be sleeping.

I got on the bus and joey sat beside me again.

"why didn't you run? why did you help me" I finally asked.

"because I couldn't just leave you to get hurt, your my friend."

I hugged him. he probably thought I was really weird but I couldn't help it and the best part was hugged me back. Hes the first person to ever help me.

"thank you for helping" I whispered pulling away. I felt so safe in his arms. I wish I could be with him.

before he got off the bus he asked me if in wanted to hang out tomorrow and for the first time in months I smiled. I ended up smiling all the way home, I was so happy I ran inside forgetting about the hell it really was.

"mom" I called quietly trying not to wake up my dad

"honey I haven't seen you this happy in forever! what is it?"

"I met someone!" I replied

"who?" she asked

"his names joey! he asked me to hang out tomorrow!"

"oh honey that's great!" "does he know your gay" she asked a bit more serious, she knew people bullied me for it and I think she can tell I have a crush on him.

I shake my head. if he knew would he still talk to me? or would he start hating me like everyone else?

"be careful Shane" is all she said as she walked out with her coffee.

I ran up stairs and for the first time in a while I don't cut, instead I sit and think about how perfect joey is. he could have easily been in the popular group but instead he chooses to be friends with me, why?

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