Chapter 12

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(Shane's Pov)

When I woke up joey was still sleeping beside me, which I don't blame him for, he was up late last night.

I took out some of the cereal and ate a few handfuls. It was stale but it was better then nothing.

"Hey" a raspy voice whispered behind me

I turned around to see joeys face dimly litten by the sun slowly rising

"Awh your so adorable in the morning" I smiled messing up his hair

"I look like a dying animal"

"Maybe like a dying puppy"

"Now all I can imagine is dying puppies! Thanks shane" he replied sarcastically

"Here's some food" I say tossing him the almost empty cereal box

Once we finished we packed up our stuff and started walking once again, we were pretty much getting use to it by now

We trailed along for what felt like an hour, stopping every now and then to have water or a quick bite to eat.

I stopped in my tracks hearing a familiar sound echo through the trees

"Did you hear that?" I nearly yelled

"What?" Joey asked confused

I ran forward as joey chased after me still confused,

"Shane?!" He called seeing I had now stopped in my tracks, in no more then 5 feet in front of me stood a road, it wasn't a very popular looking road but it will lead us to somewhere.

Joey who had now caught up with me stared at the old road as cars when go by every now and then

"We closer joey, we've made it"

We stepped out of the woods and walked along the pavement I looked over at a sign that read bakersville 15 miles

"Is that where were going?" Joey asked

"It sounds like a good start" I replied

"Where are you boys going?" A firm voice suddenly asked

We turned around to see a car stopped behind us.

"Umm were going to bakersville" joey slowly replied

"I was just heading there!" The man cheered "would you like a drive?"

He seemed to happy to be a murderer, on the crime shows I watch they always look unhappy and scary, so I guess it's ok

Joey and I looked at each studying a face expressions before nodding

"Well then hop right in! Don't worry I won't bite!"

We got in and he started to drive away, I looked make at the woods, the place where we had spent nearly a week, the place that led home.

"How old are you boys?"

"15" I replied "were both 15"

"And what brings you youngins out here?"

I only shrugged as joey spoke up

"Looking for a new life I guess"

We passed the green signs on the side of the road signifying we were getting closer.

"I more mile" I blurted out

The man only smiled, well it was more like a smirk.

We turned down a dirt road, this was not where we were suppose to be going,

"This isn't the road the sign points to" joey nervously mumbled

I grabbed his hand, letting him know I would protect him if anything bad were to happen

"Don't worry about it" he smirked again

We heard a click as the door locked

I tugged the door handle anyway, I knew it was locked but I was determined to get out

"Shhh don't worry boys" he put on a gas mask as the air turned pink. My last thought was joey, I had to protect joey.


I'm so sorry this took so long but I have found my notebook so my updating routine will hopefully be back to normal!

(My twitters @joeysfuturewife if anyone wants to follow me...)

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