chapter 3

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(joeys POV)

as soon as I got home I walked into my room and just sat on my bed. is Shane gay? would he ever love me? or am I just going to be hopelessly in love with him? I wish I could talk to someone about this but no one knows I'm gay and I don't really want them to find out any time soon considering I denied It myself, until I met shane.

the more I thought about it the more I felt myself falling in love with him. would my parents hate me when they find out? I was almost sure my dad wouldn't accept me, he always tried to make me manlier.

my thoughts were interrupted when my phone went off. it was from Shane.

Shane: hey

I smiled to myself, as I replied.

we texted for about an hour talking about random shit, when I got a message that I didnt even know how to reply to.

shane: you know what I don't like you anymore. good bye.

I stared at the message waiting for the jk that never came...

(Shane's POV)

I was texting joey when my dad opened the door

"who ya texting!" he yells grabbing my phone out of my hands

"a friend!" I scream back trying to grab it but failing miserably

"he's not your friend anymore" he says running out of my room. he's going to say something terrible to him. the one person I love is going to hate me.

I didn't even think about what I was doing but the next thing I knew I was running down the road. I had to explain to joey!

(joeys POV)

I was sitting in my room crying when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"joey someone's looking for you" she called

I wiped away my tears and opened the door.

what does Shane want?

"Joey if you got any mean text messages they weren't from me" he said. i looked a his perfect face, his eyes were blood shot. "it was my father, he wants to make my life miserable..." he mumbled looking at the ground.

I think back to when he got on the bus with the bruise on his cheek, did his father do that to him?

"we'll I better go..." he said walking out the door,

"you can stay here tonight!" i said grabbing his arm, "mom can Shane stay the night?"

"sure" she called from the kitchen.

"thank you!" Shane smiled happily

(Shane's POV)

I haven't stayed the night at a friends house in

orever, I was so grateful joeys letting me stay, I could finally escape for a night and just have fun.

"let's watch a scary movie!" joey exclaimed

"yeah we should! what movie?"

"we should watch scream 4" he suggests

we go on Netflix and find it. it was hardly 15 minuets into the movie and I was terrified, yet joey didn't look scared at all.

"are you okay?" he asked me laughing. I didn't even notice I was almost sitting on top of him.

"yeah I'm fine" I laughed, moving away from him a bit.

by the end of the movie I knew I was going to have many nightmares about it.

"that wasn't very scary" joey says.

"no not at all" i reply sarcastically

"here's some PJs" he said passing me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.


I walk into the bathroom and change. I put my sweater over top. I was extremely hot but I couldn't let Joey see what I do to myself. j was scared he would think I was some sort of emo freak.

(joeys POV)

Shane came out wearing a huge sweater over top of what I gave him.

"why are you wearing that sweater? I'm sweating and I'm only wearing a t-shirt."

he looks at me for a second trying to come up with the the right thing to say.

"I'm just a cold person" he finally replies

"that's what blankets are for" I laugh

he still doesn't speak, he just stares at me. after what seems like forever he slay takes it off revealing lots of scars on his arms. does he do that to himself? I wish he knew his perfect he was.


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