Chapter 10

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(Joeys Pov)

I saw something in the distance, it was moving. I aimed my bow as

It came out from behind a tree, a deer stood in front of me. I couldn't shoot it, why couldn't I shoot it? I can't kill it because it could be bambi, if you ever watched that movie you would understand.

I put my bow down as it ran off into the distance, I rarely saw much other wild life as I walked, I would attempt to shoot a squirrel every now and then but I missed each and every time.

I turned around as I started to walk back my head filled with failure. I heard a small rustle in the bushes behind me. This is my time! I thought. I have to be quiet. I can do this!

I held my bow up as the sounds got louder and louder, I looked through to see something brown, wait is that a bear?

I shot an arrow in fear, losing all control of aim. I managed to hit it but it only made it angrier as it lunged at me. I shot it again as I ran backwards not making eye contact. I only had 2 arrows left, if I run out and it doesn't die then i die. I don't want to die.

One arrow left I whispered as I shot it again slowing it down a bit. I have to Hit it in the mouth or on its nose. I didn't have much time to aim. It was now or never. I released my grip as I closed my eyes as if I was preparing for death.

When I opened them in front of me laid the motionless bear. Did I do it? I asked myself. Did I just kill a bear that was trying to kill me? What do I do now?

I picked up a rock and threw it at the bear, it didnt move. I carefully made my way to it and grabbed my arrows. I'll go get shane and we can drag it back, it cant be that heavy.

I followed the trail back to where shane had all the stuff packed,

"Joey! I was worried!" He says throwing his arms around me,

"I got a bear, can you help me drag it back?"

He pulled away from the hug, his puzzled face turned into a look of surprise

"When you said you were going hunting I thought you meant squirrels and birds, Not bears!"

"So did I" I smiled

"Well let's go get it"

(Shane's Pov)

Joey led me through the woods until we came to the gigantic thing lying motionless, I can't believe he killed this! With a bow!

"Did you bring the knives?" He asked

"Yeah" I replied handing him the bag.

I watched him skin in it, how he knew how actually scared me but at least we'll have food.

When we finally collected the meat, we split it into bags and carried it back.

"I feel bad leaving the rest but we don't have enough room and the bear was asking for it lunging at me"

"The bear lunged at you! im so glad your ok!"

"It was scary,"

We grabbed are suitcases and walked farther into the woods.

"When do you think we'll get to a new city?" Joey asked quietly

"Hopefully soon" I smiled

"What are we gonna do when we get there?"

"I honestly never really thought about it..."

"Well we'll figure out something"

We continued walking, all the trees looked then same, I felt like we've been going around in circles but we've been walking strait for the last 2 hours. I looked up. I could see the blue sky above me slowly tuning grey.

"I wonder where we are?"

"Where in the woods" I replied sarcastically

"Well i knew that" Joey looked at me playfully rolling his eyes

Suddenly I felt my pocket vibrate.

Joey and I both looked at each other confused then I remembered my phone.

I hesitantly took it out of my pocket.

I new call from: dad

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