chapter 7

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(the next day) (joeys Pov)

i heard my parents arguing downstairs. I have heard them argue before but nothing like this. Then they called my name.

"Joey! Come here!" I was frozen. I didnt want to go downstairs.

"Joey!!" They screamed again.

I hesitantly stood up and started walking down the steep steps. They were waiting for me at the bottom.

"You have a week to say goodbye to your friends." My dad said

"What no!" i screamed Staring at them with disbelief, "I don't want to leave!! And you can't make me!"

Suddenly I felt a forceful hand glide across my cheek. I was just slapped. My dad just slapped me. I started running out the door tears staining my face. I new exactly where I was going.

(Shane's Pov)

I slowly opened my eyes. My hip hurt like crazy. I need some pain killers. Where's the nurse? Where's that emergency button? I felt drunk or at least what I imagined it would feel like. Confusing.

"Joey" I tried to yell but it only came out as a hoarse whisper.

"Joey!" I finally said loud enough for someone to hear me.

"Are you ok shane? Are you in pain?" The same nurse I had yesterday asked.

"My hip hurts a lot" I replied. I still couldn't talk right.

"I'll be right back" she smiled, walking out of the room. I was alone once again.

(Joeys Pov)

My heart hurt and my legs felt like jello but I kept running. I was almost at the hospital, I was almost to shane. By the time I entered the parking lot I felt as if I was about too pass out. I just sprinted almost 5 miles. But it was for a good reason. I had to see shane. I had to.

How am I going to tell him I'm leaving though? Maybe his life will get better though. Maybe his dads going to jail, but that doesn't stop why happens to him at school. I need to protect him.

(Shane's Pov)

I seriously felt as if I have been waiting forever for her to come back and the pain was only getting worse.

Finally she came in handing me 2 pills and a glass of water. I take them and I almost immediately feel the pain minimising.

"Thank you" I smile as she turned to walk out of the door. she suddenly jumped back and in came an exhausted looking joey.

He practically jumped on me but backed off when he realised I was in pain.

"Sorry" he appoligised

"It's okay" i laughed.

"So umm did you hear anything about your dad?"

The mood immediately changed.

"H-he's not going to jail" I croaked feeling a knot in my throat, you know the knot you get when your trying not to cry.

"Why?!" Joey practically screamed rage filling his eyes, "he tried to kill you!"

"They don't have enough proof" I was now crying, I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"They don't have enough proof?!

"He got a really good lawyer I guess"

Now joey was crying to, I didnt know if it was from pure rage or sadness. Maybe it was a bit of both.

(Joeys Pov)

I was furious when suddenly a wave of sadness washed over me as I remembered I still have to tell shane I was leaving. This was going to be impossible. I waited until the room stayed quiet for a few moments. I had to tell him.

"Shane I have bad news" I started but my bawling wouldn't let me finish.

"Just say it joey" shane encouraged.

"I have to leave for Canada in a week. I don't know when I will be back" that was harder then I thought It was going to be and trust me I thought it was gonna be pretty hard.

It was beyond me how I fell in love with shane so fast but it happened and now I'm leaving.

"We can text everyday... And Skype and call" shane tried to smile through his tears.

Suddenly an idiotic idea and across me. Shane and I could run away together. Escape our shitty lives. We could do it right before I'm suppose to leave, shane will be out if the hospital. We would be free and most importantly, we would be together.

(Shane's Pov)

I looked at joey, he was thinking hard about something,

"We can run away, we could escape." He blurted out.

I just stared at him.

i can't leave my mom and my brother, can I? Maybe my dad will stop hurting them if I left, he started when he found out I was gay, maybe they would be happier without me.

"Ok" I smiled "when will we leave?"

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