Chapter 11

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(Joeys Pov)

Shane's phone was going off, in his pocket, he lifted it up staring at the dimly lighten object before throwing it onto the hard ground.

"What is it shaney?" I asked concerned

"M-my dad" he studdered picking it up and clicking on his voicemail as his fathers hateful voice came out if the phone,

"Good job fag, you finally left! Maybe now everyone will be happier! It was all your fault this family was miserable! You should have just killed yourself! Life would have been a lot better!"

Shane was trying to hide his tears as he chucked the phone at a nearby tree smashing it.

"They won't be able to track us if it's broken.." He mumbled

I will never understand how his father could be so hateful even under the influence of alcohol,

"Are you ok? Don't let anything he said get to you"

He stopped walking for a second then burst out in tears. I put my arms around him pulling him in for a hug as I let him cry on my shoulder,

"Why does he hate me so much? What did I do?!"

"You did nothing shaney, he's full of hate that you don't deserve, I love you, I love you so much!"

He continued to cry

"It's all over now, he can't hurt you anymore"

He looked up at me and kissed me,

"Don't ever leave me" he whispered "I love you to much"

He kissed me again before grabbing the bags.

(Shane's Pov)

I wondered how much longer it would be until the city or at least a road, I've must have lost at least 10 pounds from all this walking.

"I'm a hungry boyyy" joey said rubbing his stomach,

"I see a small clearing up ahead, we can cook some more of the meat once we get there" I said pointing up ahead

When we got there I set up some sticks to make the fire

"Hopefully we don't set the forest on fire here" I said "can you imagine if it did! We would be screwed!"

"Now I'm scared" joey exclaimed nervously

We carefully cooked the meat until it was almost burnt, as we finished in the blue sky turned to yellow and red as the sun went down

"Let's adventure into the woods more, I don't feel safe out in the open like this" I suggested, It was stupid but I feared an alien ship would land here. I see you judging me.

We walked about 10 minuets in and then set up are camp once again. We crawled into the sleeping bag ready for another night.

"I love you joey" I reminded him

"I know" he softly giggled

"Are you aware how much I love you though?" I asked starting to tickle him, he rolled around on the ground like a drunk seal

"Shane! Ahh! Stop" he laughed

I stopped and immediately he jumped on top of me ticking me in revenge.

"No! I-if you don't stop I'm not reps...onsible for your injuries!"

I jumped away trying to escape

"Ok I'll stop" joey said climbing into the sleeping bag. I wasn't 100% sure if I trusted him but I was cold.

"Goodnight moron" I joked

"Goodnight" he whispered playfully rolling his eyes.

(Joeys Pov)

shane was a sleep but I laid awake. I couldn't sleep. I cuddled up next to him but I was still cold, still scared, Still lost.

I felt the wind blow on my neck as I stepped out into the dark night.

I stared up at moon that was shimmering above me. I missed having good food to eat, I missed having a home and a comfy bed to crawl into at the end off the day but most of all I missed my family. Did they miss me? I doubt it.

I felt the warm tears fall down my face. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me. Started I looked to Shane's face, he wiped away the tears as I continued to cry. I couldn't stop.

"I'm scared" I whispered finally breaking the silence of the night,

"I know" he whispered crying as well "I am to, but we'll make it out I know we will"

"Let's go to sleep" I suggested getting up and walking back under the tarp, shane laid down beside me as I silently cried, he wrapped his arms around me and turned me over so I was staring at his face,

"Joey, I love you, were going to be ok, you'll see your family again. I don't know when but you will, I promise"

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