My Swiftie Story

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Yeah, yeah, I know. This book is supposed to be about Taylor, not about my boring life. You can skip this chapter if you want. But anyways, this is the story of how I fell in love with Taylor. From not knowing who she is, to knowing that she's exactly 13 years, 8 months, 18 days, 9 hours and 48 minutes older than me. Let's go!

I love to listen to the radio in the car. Whenever we drive anywhere, my family puts on the radio. I never really payed attention to the songs, except for he ones I really liked. I started noticing 22, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and I Knew You Were Trouble when they were at their prime at the top of the charts. I really, really liked them. I would create stupid parodies with my friends. For example, Hamster-Two (22) and We Are Never Ever Eating Chicken Together. Then, 1989 came out. I was like, "I love Taylor Swift! She's awesome!" I memorized the lyrics to the songs that were out. My mum bought the album from Target for me. Sadly, it wasn't the Deluxe Edition, so I didn't get to experience Wonderland and New Romantics. Back in February 2015, my friend Alena told me she was going to a Taylor Swift concert in October. When I got home, I told my parents this. Believe it or not, my dad asked me, "Would you like to go?" He had bought tickets to the concert. I was so excited and told Alena and we got excited together. It turns out we were both going to the same one, on Friday, October 2nd (Toronto). My cousins, Sarah and Joel, were going to go Saturday. Joel bailed out and Sarah went with a friend. My other cousin, Emily, went on the Saturday and my friend, Mia, went too. I don't know exactly when I became a Swiftie, it was just a thing. All I know (is you said hello... hehe, song reference) is that I would literally die for Taylor now.


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