Fan Art

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Hey, y'all! Here's another disappointing update. I just wanted to say I made some Taylor fanart, and I wanted to share it with you.

 I just wanted to say I made some Taylor fanart, and I wanted to share it with you

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Here's the original picture. I tried to copy it.

I think it's pretty good

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I think it's pretty good. The top of her head looks weird, cause it wasn't in the original photo. The drawing looks a million times better in real life, though. Sigh.

So here's my really short chapter. Bye!

Question of the Chapter: Who's your favourite teacher at school this year, and why?

Answer of the Chapter: Probably my homeroom teacher. She puts up with our class, and we're not the best to her. Half of us can't spell her name, but she's really really nice. My other teachers are great though too.

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