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Hey guys!
I was talking to my dad earlier, and he said that we got floor tickets for Taylor's concert.
I was expecting to be in the nosebleeds, but I got FLOOR. SEATS.

As you can see, pretty much all floor seats are close to whether the main stage or the other two smaller stages

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As you can see, pretty much all floor seats are close to whether the main stage or the other two smaller stages.

I was trying to figure out what to wear to the tour, and I think I'm gonna dress as "the old Taylor".
Specifically, Speak Now tour Taylor.

I don't really know where I'm gonna find a dress like that

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I don't really know where I'm gonna find a dress like that.
Or just a purple sundress in general.
I found one website that had the exact dress but it was $87.
And I don't think my parents would approve of buying off a random website.

I'll probably find more options closer to the summer.

I'll probably end up bringing a Sharpie/markers and write lyrics on my arm.

I'll probably end up bringing a Sharpie/markers and write lyrics on my arm

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I think I'm gonna do "May these memories break our fall."
A) because I highkey stan Long Live
B) she had that on her arm for the second last date of the Speak Now Tour

"A) because I highkey stan Long LiveB) she had that on her arm for the second last date of the Speak Now Tour

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And of course, I can't forget the iconic 13 on her hand.

I really don't know where I'll find the money to get a dress, even if it's cheap.
I'm trying to save my money to buy a t-shirt at the tour, because I know that (like everything else) it's going to be super overpriced.
And the only money I make is my allowance, which is $10 a week.
Well technically, it's $20 every two weeks, but I'm simplifying it.

On a totally unrelated note, I really recommend listening to Tay's cover of Just A Dream by Nelly.
I'm obsessed, ask any of my friends.

Question of the Chapter: If you could say one sentence, and the whole world could hear it, what would you say?

Answer of the Chapter: I'd probably say, "I love Taylor Swift." Or "You only live once, why waste it hating others instead of spreading love to everyone, despite your differences?"

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