Swiftie: (noun) A person who fangirls over pretty much everything Taylor Swift does.
I am a proud Swiftie and this is my book of Swifties. This isn't my idea. People have done this before. Special thanks to A_Blonde_Ambition because I got the idea f...
Hey, guys! I've decided that my goal for 2017 is to be more active on this book. So here I am, updating another chapter for you guys. Here are the craziest Taylor Swift conspiracies and theories. (I just realized how clickbait-y I sound.)
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1. Taylor is a clone of a Satanist. As weird as it sounds, people actually believe this. Zeena Schreck (born Zeena LeVey) is the daughter of the co-founders of the Church of Satan. She bears a striking resemblance to Taylor, which is how this theory came to be.
2. She has a twin that she banished to Japan. After people saw this McDonald's ad with a model who looks a lot like Taylor, they came up with this conspiracy. She had a twin, but she didn't want her to get in the way of fame, so she banished her to Japan. Crazy, I know.
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3. She's not human. Everyone has seen pictures of Taylor in workout clothes, supposedly leaving the gym. (Extremely cute picture above for reference.) However, no one has ever seen her sweating. Any normal person would sweat after going to the gym. Therefore, she isn't human. The other side of this theory is that she showers and dries her hair, but where's the fun in that.
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4. She's a member of the Illuminati. I'm pretty sure almost every celebrity has been said to be a part of the Illuminati, oh well. Apparently, Taylor is part of the Illuminati because of her connection to the number 13, a Satanic number significant to the Illuminati. I don't think I really have to explain how she's connected to 13, so I'll just leave it here.
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5. She's bisexual or gay. Same, Taylor. But seriously, this rumour started a while ago, but gained popularity when people saw this gif of her supposedly making out with Karlie Kloss. The theory goes on to explain that all her relationships are fake, to cover up the fact that she's not straight. If she ever does say this theory is true, I support her all the way.
So yeah, that's basically all the conspiracies and theories I have for you. Comment which one's your favourite. Mine's probably number 5 because it's the most realistic out of all of them.
Question of the Chapter: What are your biggest fears?
Answer of the Chapter: This is gonna sound pathetic, but getting killed in a really painful or slow way. For example, drowning, dying in a fire, being shot/stabbed or something like that. Also, being alone. Not physically alone, but alone where I can't ask people for help or nobody caring about me kind of alone.