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Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanza!
Happy whatever you guys celebrate!

I'm so excited this Christmas!


My dad and I are going to see Taylor on August 3rd, in Toronto. I asked for tickets, but I totally didn't expect to actually get any, because they're so expensive.
(@ TaylorNation fight me)

I probably have really high seats, where I can't see that well, but that's better than not going.

Are any of you guys going to the reputation tour?
Comment where and what day.

Question of the Chapter: What did you guys get for Christmas? Or should I say, Swiftmas.

Answer of the Chapter: I'll show pictures of what I got.

I got a Reach for the Top shirt from my aunt, I don't even know where she got it

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I got a Reach for the Top shirt from my aunt, I don't even know where she got it. I'm on my school's Reach for the Top team, which is like a trivia game thing. I got chocolate (lots and lots of chocolate), Hufflepuff socks, a Harry Potter pin, a Harry Potter safe thing, a pooping reindeer candy dispenser (courtesy of my aunt, and her love to buy us pooping toys), some trivia card games, lip balm, and a photograph of a newborn baby fawn from the deacon at my church.

 I got chocolate (lots and lots of chocolate), Hufflepuff socks, a Harry Potter pin, a Harry Potter safe thing, a pooping reindeer candy dispenser (courtesy of my aunt, and her love to buy us pooping toys), some trivia card games, lip balm, and a ...

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I got the second reputation magazine, cause I got the first earlier.

I got the second reputation magazine, cause I got the first earlier

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I got tickets to see Taylor. They're on my dad's phone, which is why I just got a paper with her face on it.

I also got a sweatshirt from Taylor's merch, but it hasn't even been shipped yet

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I also got a sweatshirt from Taylor's merch, but it hasn't even been shipped yet.

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