TS6 IS COMING (And David Mueller Is A Jerk)

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I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SINCE JUNE! Life has been busy, motivation has disappeared, Taylor has been gone, stuff happens. But this month has been really exciting in the fandom.

First of all, Taylor won the court case against David Mueller, the DJ who sexually assaulted her at a meet and greet in 2013. He sued for $3 million, because Taylor's accusation made him lose his job. She countersued for $1 and won the case after a week-long trial.

She's so amazing, she lets us all know that we shouldn't be silent if we're assaulted, and that we need to stand up for ourselves. She's such a legend.

Secondly, something big is happening. Nobody really knows, but it's probably got something to do with TS6.

 Nobody really knows, but it's probably got something to do with TS6

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Her official website is blank (apparently there's a part in the code that says ivegotablankspace, which makes the website blank), her tumblr is empty, she's deleted all her posts, profile pics and unfollowed everybody on Twitter and Instagram and ...

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Her official website is blank (apparently there's a part in the code that says ivegotablankspace, which makes the website blank), her tumblr is empty, she's deleted all her posts, profile pics and unfollowed everybody on Twitter and Instagram and has a new Facebook.

Could this mean a new era? A new album? A new single released? I NEED TO KNOW. Apparently, Taylor is rumoured to be doing a surprise performance on GMA, which is on my birthday, the 31st. Maybe she'll announce TS6, and perform her first single from it.

I don't know, these are just my predictions. Of course, it could be a hacker, but I kinda doubt that they'd get to every single one of her social media pages.

Bye! By the way, school is starting soon (September 6th for me) and I'm starting my first year of high school. If things start happening more in the fandom, I still might update a little slower because I'll be caught up with school work.

Question of the Chapter: What are your predictions for TS6?

Answer of the Chapter: I think it would be absolutely legendary and iconic if she actually named the album TS6. I think she's going to announce her first single/TS6 this month. I'd love it if it were on my birthday (August 31st), but I doubt that. I really hope she goes on tour, so I can see her again.

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