New Username+Maybe Possibly Some Fanfiction

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Hey y'all! For those of you who've read the last chapter, I did end up choosing a new username (and a new profile pic). So if you wanna tag me in anything, tag @taylorgasm (me) instead of @Lauren_Writes_Things (my old username).

And I was thinking of starting a Taylor fanfiction, but I can't decide what ship to write about. I'm torn between Sweeran (my original OTP) and Kaylor (which I've just recently become obsessed). I guess I could somehow incorporate both, like Taylor struggling with her sexuality and also the fact that she's crushing on not one, but two of her best friends.

Or you guys could give me ideas for plots and stuff (I promise I'll credit you in the introduction/first chapter).

I'm so sorry for always posting about myself lately. The fandom is so dead lol. There's barely anything remotely Taylor related to post.


Question of the Chapter: What Hogwarts house are you?

Answer of the Chapter: Hufflepuff. 💛

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