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Happy New Years! I can't believe it's already 2017. This year has been pretty amazing for me. I started this account January 27th and I met all of you guys who make writing on Wattpad so fun. I got closer with a lot of my real life friends.

 I got closer with a lot of my real life friends

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Thanks, Kylie. I feel like I did realize a lot of stuff this year.

Anyways, I hope 2017 will be better than 2016. Hopefully TS6 comes out in 2017 (Not that I have enough money to go to another concert. Or that my parents would be willing to take us there.).

Question of the Chapter: What are your New Years Resolutions that you're gonna try to keep?

Answer of the Chapter: Probably to stay in shape and get a little more in shape. Also, to come out 🏳️‍🌈 to you guys (guess I'm doing that now😱 and please no hate) and my family.

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