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Welcome to the TS6 era, which has been started by a grainy video of what I assume is a snake.

Welcome to the TS6 era, which has been started by a grainy video of what I assume is a snake

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You can't really see it but there's a "5" shape in the corner.

What does it mean? Some people think it means that something's happening in 5 days, and that it's part of a countdown

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What does it mean? Some people think it means that something's happening in 5 days, and that it's part of a countdown. Some people think it's gonna happen on the 5th of September. I still don't have a clue of what the album is gonna be called, because everyone thought 1989 was gonna be called "Roses".

She hasn't posted anything else. No profile pic. No bio. No caption on the photo. Comments turned off (is she trying to kill us?). I saw an article on Instagram, but now I forget where I found it, saying that "multiple close sources" say that the album is going to be "poppy" and that it's gonna be really good, and that I was going to be released on the 25th.

My predictions are that she's going to post something weird/cryptic like this every day until the album drops.

Also, I plan on writing a Kaylor fanfic. Would y'all prefer a guardian angel AU or a grim reaper AU? Just saying, I get distracted easily so there's a high chance I'll write a few chapters and then u publish them a few times.


Question of the Chapter: Te dolió cuando te caíste del cielo? (Sorry if anything spelled wrong, I learnt this from Duolingo.)

Answer of the Chapter: Yes ;)

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