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A week has past since the last time I saw the young Matthew that seemed to really enjoy my company. I also haven't been back to the medical centre since our encounter for I have been feeling significantly better after the last appointment. Even with dad and aunt Gail's persistent, I lie to them and say that I'm going when really I walk around town.

Teignmouth isn't a real busy place but when it's warm out and not cloudy for the whole day, there are people walking the streets and spending the day outside. When I go into the centre of town, I always see a football field that looks like it hasn't been used in a while or is just completely abandoned.

I am on my way into town now to that field, hoping to spend my day just laying there, looking at the sky and dreaming of better days. Passing by houses and businesses, I look into the windows to see if anyone is just like me. Struggling with the loss of someone who was so close to you that it feels like you've lost a part of yourself, and trying very hard everyday to work around it or cope with it until it eats you up inside.

Not before long, I reach the field and stand on the sidewalk just on the edge of the grass, looking onto the grassy land to find a reasonably good area under the sun. I take a step onto the cut green and start sauntering over to the spot that seemed perfect for my lazy day. Taking a seat down, I pull out a pair of earbuds and plug them into the MP3 player that I carry everywhere with me.

I lay down and shut my eyes just before seeing the sun off to the left of me, hoping that it'll be gone by the time I wake up. It seemed like I only laid there for a hour or two but when I felt something hit my leg, making my eyes shoot open, I now saw the sun on the right side of my head. Sitting up and seeing what hit me was a football, I picked it up as I shuffled to my feet and looked for the person who just happened to be playing on the same field I was laying on.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around harshly to see a boy a lot taller than me smiling in my direction as he spoke some words I didn't hear. Taking out the earplugs, I handed the ball over shyly to the boy as I noticed two of his friends coming this way to see where the football went. They now stood at his side as I noticed one of them was Matthew, and he seemed to recognize my face as well.

"Valerie, cool to see you here," the boy said giving me a brimming smile and forcing me to give him one back. "Guys, this is Valerie and um, Valerie this is Dom and Chris." Matthew said pointing at each one as they waved at me and looked between the small boy and myself. I could tell they knew something that I wasn't told about and it made me feel uncomfortable in the silence that now hangs in the air.

"We were just playing a game, if you want to join?" Chris, the taller of the three, questioned me as he tossed the ball lightly in his hands. Dom nodded his head in agreement and Matthew shined another smile at me that almost made me say yes to their game. Almost.

"Um, sure, but I got two left feet," The three boys laughed at my comment as I felt heat rise into my cheeks and sweat roll onto my palms. Though, it made me smile a little at the joke I unprecedentedly made. "I've never played to be honest. I have only seen it on the telly."

"It's fine, you can be on Matt's team. He's no good either," Dom joked as Matthew hit his shoulder roughly and looked back over at me with a blush on his cheeks. Chris motioned for me to follow him and I walked just behind as he explained some of the ways to pass and kick the black and white patterned ball. "You'll get the hang of it as soon as we start."


I wanted to end this chapter here cause I do not know how soccer works or how to play it so I will let you guys use your imagination on this one!


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