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Gail had woken me up this morning with a light knock at my door, though I never did go to sleep last night after I got real upset with my family. I rolled over to face her and she gave a smile and told me she was going to work and had set up a therapy appointment for me tomorrow afternoon. Giving her a smile back and blowing her a kiss, I rolled back over and waited until I heard the front door close.

I got out of bed and changed my clothes into black skinny jeans and a white teeshirt, pulling out a pair of sunglasses from underneath the pile of pictures I had on my dresser. There was no use in bothering to take care of the trash before leaving, for it would be stuck on my mind so I kept it there, scattered around my room.

Jogging down the stairs and out the front door, I slipped on the aviators and walked into town. Matthew had made me feel so much better yesterday even if I did find out my family doesn't truly care for me. I never met anyone who had that much affect on me since my mother and friend, but they left me to fend for myself.

"Valerie!" I heard my name called as I passed the business district of Teignmouth and made it into the residential area of town. Looking over my shoulder at who yelled for me, I spotted Dom running up the sidewalk to meet up with me. "You're heading over to Matt's, right? Mind if I walk with you?"

"Not a bit," I responded giving him a smile as I shoved my hands into my jeans and started walking again. Dom made light conversation with me as we crossed town to make it to the Bellamy household. "You guys make really good music. Do you ever think of going professional?" I asked a question myself as we jaywalked across the street.

"I don't really, but Matt has big dreams of doing sold shows and tours and playing to capacity audiences all across the world. It's great to see that he's finally interested in something and somebody seems to enjoy it as much as him," the blonde haired boy stated as I gave him a questioning look. I asked what Matthew did before music. "Nothing really. He would just sit alone and not talk at all. It really bothered Chris and me to see him like that."

"And then he got into music, right?" Dom nodded in agreement as I continued. "You said that he has somebody with him that has the same feeling for music. Are you talking about yourself?" The boy next to me pondered my questioned as we slowed our pace and turned the corner.

"Not entirely. I was really saying you," Dominic said as I finally stopped and looked at him. He was talking about how much I helped Matthew, but I had never noticed that. All I noticed was the young boy helping me through my rough patch. "I'm sorry. That was kinda wrong for me to say." I told him it was fine and continued walking with him in silence.

"You-you said that Matthew had trouble with finding himself. When did he finally open up to you guys more?" Dom replied with just a couple months ago and I nodded my head. "Did you notice anything different?" The blonde haired boy didn't answer my question until we reached the front of Matt's house.

"He had met you, that's it really. Why do you care so much, I mean you've never really talked so much about something before that it's now on my mind?" He walked up the pathway to the house and left me standing at the edge of the grass thinking to myself. I have helped Matthew more than I've realized. "Coming Val?"

"Yeah. So did you know he was attending therapy sessions at the centre?" I asked as Dominic knocked on the front door and waited for someone to answer. He shook his head and asked me how I had known Matt was going to the clinic. "I've seen him there before, that's all. He's doing good with it too."

The door was opened by Matthew himself and he smiled at Dom and me, letting us into his house before shutting the door again. We walked past the living room and over to the basement door. Matt told us he would be down soon after he finished something upstairs. I followed the blonde haired boy down the stairs and found Chris and Kelly already down there.

"Valerie!" Kelly exclaimed as she saw me landing on the last step. "It's so great to have another girl here to listen to their music. Even if she doesn't care for it." I corrected the young women on her accusation and she laughed at herself for getting something about me wrong. We took a seat on the couch we sat in the last time and waited for Matthew, the singer, to show up.

Chris had tuned his guitar as Dom hit his drums impatiently and Kelly and I chatted to each other until a couple minutes later when Matt came down the stairs with his lyric book in hand. I had missed that book more than I thought for I smiled as he held it up in the air and apologized for keeping all of us waiting.

"I-I couldn't find it," he referred to the journal again as he pulled his guitar over his head and opened the book up. "This is a song that had no lyrics before but now it's got some. Here it goes."

You could be my unintended choice to live my life extended

You could be the only I'll always love

You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions

You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can but I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged all my dreams and all my balance, she could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended choice to live my life extended

You should be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can but I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Before you

Come and Rescue Me [ MUSE / MATT BELLAMY ] [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now