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*• 2004 •*

Matthew always seems to be so happy when he's performing. Singing and dancing around the stage with his guitar strapped across his shoulders as if he's hyperactive. He insists that he's pretending to play for me, but I've never seen him like that when we're together.

I have loved Matt for years now but just recently I have dived back into depression; so much deeper this time. There's no way of escaping now, even with the help of others. My husband seems to not notice my mood swings and constant abandonment from his side for he's to busy with continuing on with the Absolution tour.

"Are you alright, Val?" Kelly questioned as she nudged her elbow against my arm to knock me out of my trance. I nodded my head and now payed attention to the three boys playing on stage. "No, like all together. I can tell when something's wrong."

"No, I'm fine. It's just I'm so tired and..." I said thinking of way to change the subject. "I haven't had time to be alone with Matt for awhile." The blonde haired girl giggled at my comment and looked back to the concert as I felt my mind start going back to the dark places again.


It was later into the night when I gave up. I was alone and it was there as I felt it cross my mind every time I tried to forget it. Matt wasn't going to show up at the room anytime soon and I had no visitors so it was my time to go.

I swallowed one, two, three, four, five, perhaps maybe even six before I crawled on top of the bed and closed my eyes, ready to leave everything behind. Matthew loved me, I know he did, but I couldn't find any chance in me loving him back after all that I have, and he has, been through.

"Valerie," my name was spoken softly, though I kept my eyes shut as I felt a crippling pain cross over my abdomen. Then, my head pounded with such rage as I lost all my senses and fell into the darkness that has been trying to consume me all along. "Valerie!"


^3rd Person POV^

Matt's wife and friend laid dead in his arms as he cried over the person that lived for him. The only one that kept him alive is now gone. Matthew called the hospital as soon as he saw her seizing but it was not enough to take back the pills she swallowed to end her life.

"Val, I love you. Please, don't leave me," Matthew pleaded with her unconscious body as he tried so hard to figure out why. Why did she do this? He thought he had fixed her, mended her broken heart and mind to create the person he loved the most. "I love you. Why do you have to go? Why now?"

She never awoke again to see light, to feel the grass, to hear the sound of music, to smell the rain, or to taste Matt's lips. Valerie was gone and out of Matthews life like she wanted. She felt like a burden to him and wanted to help him. He never knew, she didn't either, that what he needed was to let her go, not to rescue her.

Come and Rescue Me [ MUSE / MATT BELLAMY ] [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now