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I have started to feel more comfortable around Dominic, Chris, and Kelly than I did before ever meeting them and I could tell they liked me too. Towards the end of their band session, Kelly stood up and started dancing like she was at one of their concerts. Chris broke out in laughter and danced with his girlfriend as Dom slammed his sticks harder on the drums.

"Dance Val," Kelly requested as she held out her hand for me to take but I  insisted that I don't have the feet to dance. "Suit yourself, dear." She told me as I looked at how she was having a lot of fun with her boyfriend, dancing and pretending she was the one playing the bass.

I hadn't noticed Matt walking up to me until he held out his hand for me to take, though pulling it back to play the guitar strapped to his shoulder. He had a wide smile on his face and he kept moving his feet around as if he was anxious and impatient, though his fingers along the fretboard got most of my attention.

Getting off of the couch, I stood watching how Kelly was moving her feet and tried to copy her moves but failed as I tripped over my own shoes. Matt caught me with both his hands but now that sent the both of us falling to the ground as the music stopped playing and everyone stared at us.

"I'm sorry," I started as I felt a burning blush on my face, hiding it in Matt's shoulder. He laughed at how we managed to collapse on the ground and not break his precious guitar in the process as I lifted my head and looked at him. "What's so funny, Matthew? You fell too."

"But I caught you, so that makes up for it. By the way, you're tangled," the black haired boy said as I noticed the cord to the amp wrapped around my leg. It was my turn to laugh now as I wiggled my leg in the air to try and get the wire off of me. "Here, I got it for you. You okay?"

I sat up as Matt untangled the cord from around my limb and watched how his slender fingers moved swiftly around my leg. He would do things in a rush, I noticed, and some how manage not to mess them up. Kelly asked us if we were alright as Dom stood up from his seat and looked over his drum set at the two of us still sitting on the ground.

"I'm good, just clumsy that's all," Matt got up from the floor and helped me off of the carpet as he plugged his guitar back into the amp. "Sorry if I messed up the song or something. I didn't mean it." I said looking at Chris and Dom as they just smiled at me then looked over at Matt who was busy with his guitar.

"Oh, no you're fine, Valerie. It was almost over anyways," Chris said setting his bass on a stand and staring over at the blonde drummer. "Hey, Dom wanna help me with something for a minute? It's kinda important." I noticed Kelly was just as confused as I was at the way they were acting towards each other until she lightly gasped at a realization.

"Yeah, I'll go with you guys too. Always need a girls opinion just to make sure, am I right?" The blonde haired girl giggled as she climbed the stairs, Chris and Dom following her. Matthew looked up from his guitar as his friends were leaving and glanced over at me as I just shrugged my shoulders in a silent response.

Taking a seat back on the couch, I started playing with a hole in my jeans as Matt tuned and fixed his guitar strings. He would hum a note and strum a string that matched that chord, making me smile up at him for being picky at how his guitar sounded. I removed my finger from the fabric and played a little beat on my knees to go along with each note he played slowly.

"Have you ever thought of learning drums?" Matt asked as he looked up and saw my hands tapping away at my legs. I shrugged my shoulders and continued as he now picked up the pace on his guitar and smiled at me. "Or guitar. You got the beat and rhythm for it. It's not hard at all, to be honest."

"Maybe when I'm older," I said thinking of how my mom would play her acoustic guitar when I was younger as I played piano along with her. "That first song you sang sounded really good. How do you come up with such... astounding words?" He stopped playing the instrument in his hands and took it off his shoulder.

Matthew set it on top of the amp beside him and grabbed his lyric book before coming over and sitting next to me. He flipped to a page half filled with words and doodles and told me to close my eyes. I asked him why and he just told me to again. Placing my hands over my eyes, I waited for him to tell me what to do next.

"Imagine that you have this person, someone you look up to very highly. There's something about them that you could never describe until they do it and that's all you can think about them doing. You want to tell them how you feel, when you're around them, when you think of them, when you hear the mention of their name, but all you can do is smile and think..." Matt said as my mind started thinking of the only person who made me feel like that. "What are you thinking?"

"They're all I need. The one who makes me feel... ablaze and alive when I feel completely dead inside. I want to be with them forever and never leave their sight for if I did I couldn't stand being alone. He's all I need to keep myself together," I said as I removed my hands but still kept my eyes shut. "He wants to tell me everything that he finds in me that I've never seen before. He's there when I need him and next to me when I don't."

"Valerie?" Matthew said placing a hand on my knee to make me open my eyes from the trance I had fallen into. I looked over at the boy as he stared deeply into my eyes, making it seem like what we were doing before never happened. "Who was that about?"


Come and Rescue Me [ MUSE / MATT BELLAMY ] [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now