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"You really think that about me?" Matthew questioned, removing his hand from my leg and placing it on his. I couldn't respond as I felt a lump in my throat growing until I swallowed it down, but feeling it rise again. "I-I never knew."

"Now you do and..." I started as I dropped my eyes from his and picked at the hole in my pants. Matt needs to know this, I keep telling myself. The only way I can tell the boy how I feel about him is by telling him and not by being silent. "I've always thought of you like that. Since you first tried talking to me, even though I never spoke back. You tried. No one ever has with me."

A feeling in the air changed as I felt something in me change as well. It may had been the depression slowly fading away or a new feeling appearing to let me mess around with. Either way it is something that I have never felt before. I picked up my head to look at Matthew who was still staring at me as we didn't speak until the basement door opened.

"Matt, come here." I heard his mum call to him as the door shut again and we were left to be alone. Matt never dropped his gaze as I tried so many times to look away from his blazing blue eyes that bore into mine. He reached out for my hand as I let it just sit inside his palm, feeling his warming touch lighting me up.

"Val, do you mind staying for a while? I wanna show you something." Matt suggested as I nodded my head and slipped my hand from his, feeling all the warmth drain away. He stood up and left the room as I stared at the guitar sitting on the amp then the journal sitting beside me with its pages turned towards me. I saw many words that described a flawless person that Matt only dreamed of.

"But it sounds like me," I whispered to myself as I placed a finger on the page to read what was written better. "The person I once was. Is that what he really sees in me?" Picking up the notebook now, I flipped through a couple of pages and found it was all about one person in particular but it never stated a name. Though, it all sounded like how I was before depression.

Setting the lyric book back down, I tried to imagine myself being with Matthew forever. His smile cheering me up, my laugh making him giggle, his beautiful eyes that seemed to clear away everything bad, and our souls so close that we could never leave each other's side in fear of losing one another. I need Matt so much more than I realized to keep me alive, and he needs me to give his life meaning.

"Matt!" I called out in excitement as I stood up from the couch and ran up the stairs, making sure not trip. Reaching the living room, I didn't find him there so I glanced into the kitchen but I only found his mum and apparent step-dad. "Have-have you seen Matt?" I questioned the two adults as I stepped around the corner to see them better.

"He's outside, sweet." Matthews mum responded as I thanked her and went to the front door. Opening it and stepping onto the concrete platform, I saw Matt about to walk this way after leaving Chris and Kelly to go home. I ran off of the steps and over to the black haired boy, wrapping my arms around his torso as he stood there wondering what was wrong.

"Val, what's the matter? Are you..." Matthew started as I then stopped him by planting my lips onto his. I didn't want to let Matt go from the grip I had on him, but he held me up and grabbed my face to deepen the kiss. Pulling away, I scanned his face for any reaction but all he gave me was a blank stare. "I-I love you."

Matt broke out into a large grin making me smile back and laugh. I wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him again and he placed his around my waist as I felt eyes on the two of us standing in his front lawn. Leaning away, I looked into Matthews dazzling blue hues as he kissed me again, short and subtle.

"I love you too."

Come and Rescue Me [ MUSE / MATT BELLAMY ] [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now