Chapter 9- next thing I knew

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Previously on JT
"Let go Jackson!" I yell at him as I got to pull my arm out of his grasp.
"No not till you fuckin realize that you aren't doing this shit alone." Jax says raising his voice.
"Jackson let go of me right fuckin now!" I yell successfully pulling my arm from his grasp and getting on my bike.
Now on JT
Once I was on my bike. I heard bikes coming. I turned to my right and saw some of the SAMCROW boys riding toward Jax and I.
They pulled in and next thing I knew my uncle was hauling me off my bike and yelling at me.

"What the fuck were you thinking lass!?  Ya could of fuckin' died! You are coming to the club house and staying there till this is cleared up is that clear!" He yelled at me. While Jax stood with a slight smirk on his face.

"Who told you were I was?" I ask looking at my uncle.

"Jax told us that you were in trouble we came as soon as we knew." He says

"Look uncle chibs, I'm fine, I can take care of myself and my club. I don't need outside assistance. This is a club matter and will be treated as such." I say trying to keep from either killing Jax or yelling at my uncle both of which I would get in huge trouble for.

"Jacqueline Nicole Telford you are coming to the fuckin' club and that's final. I don't care what ye want. I would rather have ye pissed at me instead of dead. Now come on we're going to the club house. Ye don't have to worry about being alone Jax and a few of the lads will be at the club, till ya are in the clear." Uncle Chibs says as he goes to grab my arm but I step back.

"No way in fuckin' hell am I staying in the same place as a fuckin' snitch." I say looking between Jax and Chibs.

"Ya are coming to the club house whether you like it or not!" He yells again.

"You'll have to find me first." I say then jump on my bike. Then tare out onto the road. I quickly accelerate. I stop at a stop sign about 10 miles down the road, so I won't draw attention to myself and also because there is a woman with a stroller going across the street.

Next thing I know there is a van. It pulls out in front of me from the building by the stop sign. The back doors are open.
All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my head and what feels like a prick in my neck right after everything goes black. All I hear before I loose consciousness is the sound of bikes far in the distance. For once, I think I should of asked for help. Cause I might of bitten off more than I can chew in this situation. There are more lives at stake than there should be and its my fault. Whatever happens I probably deserve it. I really should of fuckin' listened. But no I had to prove myself. Im such a fuckin' idiot.

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