Chapter 8-the argument.

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It's not fuckin funny Jackson my family could be fuckin dead and guess what it would be my fuckin fault so unless you have some fuckin way to tell if they are alive. Shut the hell up." I say glaring at a still smirking Jackson Teller.
"Your hot when your mad darlin" Jax says with the same smirk still on his stupid handsome-- I mean stupid face.
"Shut the fuck up Teller" I say glaring at him. I'm so pissed right now. I don't know what the fuck happened. That motherfucker set the club up. She is so dead. I'm putting a fucking bounty on her head.
The person who I'm talking about is an ex-club member. She was so skilled at setting people up. She was the person we would use to cover our tracks. Now that fucker is back. She not  fucking getting away with this. She will be dead. Even if I am too.
"I'm callin the club." Jax says. Opening his burner phone and calling one of the guys to alert the others of what happened.
"Thanks Jax, but this is personal. The daughters are fixing there own problems Teller we have been for a while now."
"You aren't doin' this alone darlin'. Chibs would kill us if we let you even attempt to put yourself in danger." Jax says . With the phone still in his hand.
"I know what I'm doin' Teller so how about you let me worry about my club huh?!" I yell at him. I'm so pissed right now and Tellers bullshit is just gonna make it worse.
"Don't fuckin yell at me! I'm just fuckin tryin to help you the fuck out! So shut the fuck up and let me help for fuckin' once! You don't even fuckin know what your getting yourself into! You could get fuckin killed then what?!" Jax yells at me.
"I know exactly what the fuck I'm getting myself in to! I've been doing this fuckin shit for a fuckin long time Jackson! I don't need your fuckin help! I don't need anyones fuckin help I've survived on my own for a fuckin while now! So why don't you just let me do what I fuckin want?! If I fuckin die for the clubs sake then I fuckin die Jackson! It doesn't fuckin matter! So how about you let me handle my own shit for once!?" I yell then walk over to my bike. But I'm stopped when Jax grabs my arm when I go to walk past him.
"Let go Jackson!" I yell at him as I got to pull my arm out of his grasp.
"No not till you fuckin realize that you aren't doing this shit alone." Jax says raising his voice.
"Jackson let go of me right fuckin now!" I yell successfully pulling my arm from his grasp and getting on my bike.

Jacqueline Telford (Sons of Anarchy)Where stories live. Discover now