Birth & Childhood

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 Sayyidah Fatima (Radi Allah anha), was born in Mecca, northwestern Arabia, 606
CE in the divine environment of Makkah when the Blessed Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta'ala alaihi wa sallam) had passed 35 years of His Blessed life, at the time when the quraish were renovating the house of Allah (Subhanah wa Ta'ala). .

Childhood to Adolescence

Hadrat Sayyidah Fatima (Radi Allahu Anha) was very calm, serene and sober even in her childhood and she never participated in games etc.

She would spend most of her times in the exalted company of her Parents and ask such questions, which bespeak her intelligence and maturity.

She showed her fully detachment from all allurements and fascinations of worldly life.

Being the daughter of the beloved Prophet of the Universe (Sallall Allahu Ta'ala Wa alaihi wa sallam) and due to the blood that was running in her veins, she was bestowed with exceptional characteristics and distinctions.

The precious bouquet of guidance of the Beloved Prophet (Sallall Allahu Ta'ala Alaihi wa sallam), which spruced her personality up and groomed, her hidden potentials remained with her for the rest of her life.

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